the first day

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There I was, stepping off the bus onto the loading area to my new unit. All is fine and dandy until it hits me what the fuck am I gonna do I'm miles away from my family and have no idea where to go. If I showed up late I would be screwed but that's where the problem laid I had no idea why I was at a high school. I mean the buses surely just got the wrong location right? "RIGHT!?" As I turn to find blank spots where the buses were only to find the missing buses down the street turning the corner and already gone." Tis is but a shame no idea where I am and stuck with no direction." Before I realized I said all that aloud. there right before me was the gate guard who was there to greet me. "Hey. Get to class.. or are you by chance that new teacher?" It took a second for me to register that he was talking to me and not a student behind me. "Umm so I think I might be in the wrong place because I'm sorta late.. maybe not...... or early." I stumble through my notes to find a hint of info. "yeah you gotta be him.. Simas? Right?" (So is this really the place I have to go to well whatever.) "Yeah I'm sorta lost though." Hoping the guy would just tell me where to go he sorta just decide hey yeah let's go to find you classroom. We walked around for a good hour before he turned to me and asked. "why are you following me go to see the principle or go to your class." Helpful could have said that and hour ago so off to the principles office I guess.

That One Story I Was Gonna Do But Thought Of Something ElseWhere stories live. Discover now