Finally some answers

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So still with no idea why I was at a high school the guy earlier was saying something about a new teacher."I swear if I have to teach a bunch of shitty little brats. Ohhhh so help us all." A group of people heard me and started whispering but I just ignored them cause I hate kids. But I had to find the principles office so I bugged them." Hey you guys." The group stop talking then looked over at me.they were hesitant to speak to me but one struggle out of the group to talk to me. He was short maybe 5 and a half feet tall he seemed like a dick not gonna lie. " yeah what do you need my good sir."
            " well shit. I feel like a dick now sorry I misjudged you my guy thought you were a dick, man looked that way but you seem really nice sorry." He didn't seem that mad because he just shrugged it off then continued with the conversation we were having. " I get it alot but back to the topic at hand what is it you need sir." I was suprises with the kids manners he dressed like a thug back on the block you would never have guessed he have such manners. "Yeah I was wondering where the principles office was by chance?" The kid pointed me down the hall and told me how to get there." Down this hallway take a left then go down for two more hallways it's on the right hand side it should have a sign hanging in front of the door."
        " thanks man I owe ya. " as I left the group I gave to kids a thumbs up (idk  why I did but I thought it was cool) as I continued on my quest to the principles office I ran into many more obstacles. This one young lady was in a rush and ran around the corner nailing me with enough  force to knock both of us out as I was trying to recover she was falling to the ground. " OWW!! Hey watch where your goi-" she stopped mid sentence. "Umm sorry I was looking for something wasn't paying attention my bad." She quickly hopped to her feet and started to apologize." I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to bump into you it's all my fault what were you looking for by chance can I help you?"I didn't get what she was trying to do but any help would be useful right about now I got lost again." Yeah I'm trying to find the principles office. I keep getting lost can you help me a bit." She started to look around like she was checking the surrounding area then did some weird stretching thing with her arm and told me to follow it. "Umm.. ok want to tag along" I suggested (I mean come collect your arm) like this was weird enough for me why was I here soon enough we arrive at the principles office. I knock about twice before the door flys open and the principal is standing there panting like she Just finished a 10k run.
"You must be Mr. Simas Correct?!.."
        "Um yeah and you are?.."
        " Oh where are my manners I'm Principal Clare your new advisor." Ok that caught me off guard did she say she's my advisor I don't remember chief  telling me about an advisor. "Umm.. not gonna lie but are you sure I'm supposed to be here I was heading to my new unit in the area around here but got drop off here. Oh and where is here what type of school is this some chick stretch her arm all the way here from like three hallways down?!"
         " ohhh where you ny chance not briefed prior to arrival?" She gave me a strange look like I was crazy almost. " I mean we where but I sorta sleep through it. I mean it was really boring and I haven't had my nap yet that day."
She sighed and looked back at her desk where a stack of papers were laying. "So you have no idea what this school really is and why your here yo teach the students physical education like self defense and other shit I've heard your a master of many martial arts correct?."
     "Yes but why would I need to teach these students in the first place it doesn't seem that bad a school." Ms. clare started to explain to me why they need a self defense instructor it was because they have some sports power that resides inside them and it varies from person to person that one student from earlier was apparently named rebecca and her power was a rubber band effect that would allow her to stretch her arm and legs to which ever distance she wanted. I also learned that most of the students who were in the school just were nervous about how others would react when someone has a really strong ability and could over thrown a part of the school. And I was apparently there to keep the peace. So I got my answers now it's time to do what I have been sent here to do

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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