Chapter Two

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****Im struggling trying to figure out the uploading process, so hang with me! This isnt even half of chapter two but somehow I published it, Im working on getting the rest up asap...if anyone is actually reading this story let me know what you think, vote..comment...critic..let me know if you like it and ill keep writing!! thnx...xoxoxxo****

This chapter was uploaded in parts!!! Still a learning curve, but now it is finally complete, and I would like to dedicate it to my girl Simsie79, she was kind enough to read it and the first to comment and vote!! That small act encouraged me too continue!!! Thank you ...thank you..thank you!!! Stick with me, I promise itll be worth it!!!

Chapter Two: A Night Not to Remember

I was finally at the hotel where this blessed event was to take place. Of course I was late. My mother always said I would be late to my own funeral! Parking had been a nightmare, and so after walking three blocks in heels I dragged myself through the entrance. The lobby of the hotel was actually very nicely decorated in memorabilia from our graduating class. Pictures of all my peers were blown up to gigantic sizes and plastered onto each wall. It looked as though our yearbook had exploded in the lobby of this very nice hotel. There was even a posterboard for us to all sign our name on, some people had done just that while others wrote little cutesy things to each other, and then some who appeared to have written a small novella on there whole high school experience! I grabbed the Sharpie and quickly signed my name. Before I walked away I noticed one name in particular , a name that instantly sent chills down my back...Jax Brady.

I immediately turned my attention to the sign in table, trying to shake that feeling of nervousness that followed the mention of his name. He was a part of my past I never planned on dealing with again, but now he was here, one room away. I quickly decided that I was leaving, that this was a bad idea from the start, and that I could be at home making cobbler and reading. As I turned and headed for the door I heard an unmistakable voice call my name, it was the teen queen herself, Taylor Foster. " Oh My GOODNESS..Abbigal", she all but screamed. Leaving me with no choice but to stop and turn around. I was caught and now trapped.

Anyone who has ever been through high school remembers this girl! Miss popular. The Teen Dream. The devil in human form. Girls wanted to be her, and the boys wanted to be with her. She and her entourage of loyal idiots were always dressed to a tee in the latest fashions, their hair and makeup was always fixed as if they each had a personal stylist on speed dial. They were fierce and fearless. They were the girls that ran our high school, and Taylor Foster was the queen of it all. Taylor was on top from the beginning. Her father has been the Mayor of Strange Bay as long as I could remember and her mother is exactly as you would expect her to be, she liked to refer to herself as the First Lady. When we were younger Taylor and I were very close because we were neighbors, and we spent many days and night together at each others houses, but I always felt like someone was watching me at her house. Anyway...we got older as kids tend to do and we grew apart. Then in Senior Year I took home the title of Homecoming Queen, which really pissed Taylor off. She promised I would pay for that, Iat the time didnt care. Now standing here infront of her I wonder ,does she have some plan to turn me into Carrie sometime tonight?

I got out from under Taylor as soon as possible, only to be forced down the hallway, into the ballroom. My eyes were searching immediatly looking for the one real reason I came to this ridiculous thing and the reason I wanted to leave...Jax.  At first he wasnt anywhere to be seen so I took a few more steps in and found my place at the singles table! I had no plus one!

The ballroom was decorated with the 2000's in mind and too be honest it was okay. I talked to some old friends and danced like hell with Krystal and some girlfriends Id lost touch with and of course I danced with the man that saved my life ,the most kind man Ive ever known , my History teacher Mr. Belton.

I was getting ready to wrap up my evening, but had agreed to one last drink and dance with Krystal. I walked up to the bar to order a drink for the two of us. While I was waiting for them to be made I felt a warm hand grab the back of my neck and pull me backwards and then I felt his breathe on my ear. For a moment I lost all my sense and stood there with my eyes closed taking in that smell that I knew all to well. Time stopped. My heart beat so violently that it was the only thing that brought me back. It was him.  I didnt have to turn around to know it. I didnt want to see him, but being the woman I was now I turned to face him, and he was just as beautiful as I remembered. His eyes were stillnjust as dangerous looking.

I cleared my throat and took a few steps back to regain myself. He spoke first, "Its good to see you, you look well" he said with a sly smile. Well? After what you did to me? After what you forced me to do? I thought these things to myself of course. I nodded and replied with a shallow voice, " Im happy to see you are doing good Jackson, but I have nothing to say to you."  I turned and walked as fast as I could to the exit.

I knew I shouldnt have come here, but I did because I wanted to see him, but I didnt at the same time. I could feel the panic rising as I ran away from him again just like so many years before. The tears had started gushing as I hit the door. I could here in the back ground Krystal calling my name and Taylor laughing, she was always a retched bitch, but I didnt care I had to get away from these feelings, I had to get away from the haunting memories, I had to get away from him. Far away.

Apparently running in stilettos can take a lot out of a girl. I made it a few blocks until one heel broke and my legs ached. Luck for me ,I was right near the park. I hobbled over and made myself sit on the kiddie swing since it was the closest place for rest. I took both my shoes off and began to swing in the nice breeze that engulfed the park. Now that I was away fromall that I had started to recover, my car was still parked at the hotel and I had no intentions of going back. So I reached for my cell, which of course was not with me it was still in my bag at the hotel. I should have stopped in my panic to remeber my purse.

I started a slow barefoot walk back through the park. It was so quite and the air had almost a magic quality you could feel. My mood started to become more uplifting as I made a lap around the pond. I was a grown woman, I didnt have to let my past bother me anymore., I told myself. I continued this internal pep talk for a while until I got an eerie feeling of being watched and that magical feeling of the park felt zapped. I started to head towards the gates with an urgency to my steps. Then out of nowhere an explosion of cold air knocked me to the ground. Then before I could lift myself off the ground it seemed as though a cold boulder had been put on top of me, and I couldnt move. Then I heard what sounded like thunder and the ground u dearth my imobile body shock ferociously. It was at that moment I passed out for the first time in my life. I came too once to her growling and the ground shaking beneath me but I still couldnt move. I tried with all my might but couldnt get up, I struggled for a what seemed like forever. Just as my body gave out and my mind started to slip away from me the second time, I could hear faint fits of giggles. I knew that laugh anywhere, it was Taylor. Then right before the darkness claimed me I couldve sworn I saw him, Jax.

I woke up with the sun shining on the bottom of my bed where my 100lb Labrador, Poppy layed. I layed there for a moment trying to replay the events of last night in my head. It was all a mess, it seemed real but felt so much like a dream. I sat up and immediatly regretted it. I felt like I had been hit by a car. A car! My car was at the hotel, how did I get home and into my pajamas?

I stood up and steadied myself beside the bed. I noticed my dress was thrown across the chair next to the window, and on the table was a bottle of Asprin and water. Next to the water was a note folded over twice with my name on it. I opened the letter and it read, ~Annaleigh, take this and you will feel better! Love Always J~

A fit of rage flew threw me. I couldnt explain what happened to me last night, but I did know that it was scarier than hell and that Jackson  had definatly had a part in it as well as Taylor. And now I know that he was in my house with me unconscious and I have no recollection of it. I took the Asprin, not because HE had instructed me too, but because I was hurting like hell. I then worked my way into the bathroom. I would take a shower, have some coffee, and get down to business of finding out what in the hell was going on.

I used the bathroom, stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked just as bad as I felt. I pulled back the shower curtain to turn on the water. It was then that the darkness took me for a third time. Krystal, my best friend layed lifeless in my bathtub.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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