Society 2

272 18 3

"Everyone is beautiful"
"Don't eat though, you don't want to get fat."
"You don't eat, anorexic freak!"
"You're a size 4? You're supposed to be a size 0!"
"You're an A cup? How old are you, 8?"
"You're a C cup? That's my moms size."
"You had sex?! Slut!"
"You haven't had sex? Hah, you're lame."
"You don't think you're pretty enough? Attention whore!"
"You think you're pretty? Conceited much?"
"You believe in gay rights? Homo!"
"You don't believe in gay rights? Homophobic!"
"You're depressed? Attention whore!"
"You cut yourself? Still attention whore!"
"Can't go on? How much attention do you want?!"

(Someone kills them self)

"Oh, they were so beautiful. They were so perfect. They didn't deserve this. How did this happen?"

(Me: well fuck you society)

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