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     While laying in the bright white room with paintings, flowers and get well soon cards. My friends found what happened to be scary but hilarious. I started to think.
Whenever I'm with my friends I'm normally pretty brave, like whenever we watch a horror movie, I don't flinch, or like I would do every single thing I've ever been dared, like two days ago my friend dared me to take some drug that makes you see cool stuff like you being in your favorite movie, it didn't work, she told me it takes a while, or something. I didn't believe her. I never was this terrified. See I thought it was just going to be a normal day and it was, but it wasn't a very normal night.
I started off the day by going to school around seven o'clock. As soon as I walked through the door, I get dress coded but, I wore my friend Simone's gym clothes. Had a normal boring day, got a seventy on my math test, then went home. I babysat a little, six year old, with a lot of sass named, Bristol. She gave me hell, but her mom is rich so it's worth it. I end up getting home around six, took a quick shower, ate some Mac & cheese, did chores by seven forty-five.

     Since I had some time I took a nap, like eight to twelve and went to my basement, to write my essay for English, since It was night time, I didn't want turn on a light and get into trouble.

     Starting right away, I turned on a bright yellow lamp and put on some soothing r&b music. My essay was about two girls meeting through soccer and dating, the climax was like coming out to their parents.
Ugh I hate writing I'm terrible at it and my hand hurts. My story is so easy because it's based on a true story my two friends Gabby, and Chelsea, not that my English teacher, Mrs. Signal has to find out, but I would doubt she'll care. Mrs. Signal is pretty chill. I jumped at the sound of leaves underfoot. What was that? I ask myself. It's probably just an animal.

     I start to feel a cold, eerie feeling, like someone is watching me. The crunching of leaves get louder, as it sound like someone was outside coming down the steps leading to my basement following a glass sliding door. My heart races. What is this feeling? I look up and my heart drops as I see a white, early twenties or late teens male, making direct eye contact with me. I drop everything, turn off the lamp and sprint as fast as I can. Who was that!? What were they doing in my backyard?

     I run up to my room, not caring if I wake anyone up. Your room, under the covers will always seem like the safest place, don't question me on that. While praying to God that they were there for a dare, like I do. Or he was just a teen that wanted to go on my
trampoline. I mean teens lately are looking like they were in their twenties.

     I start to tweet and text my friends about what just happened, it's around two in the morning. I hear a crash sounding like glass, my heart drops to my feet. Oh no is that's the same man? Please be my cat knocking something over the counter. I go in the closet, not caring about the text or tweet I didn't finish.

    Should I call 911? What about my parents. I'm shaking like crazy I probably won't be able to say a word without stuttering. I get up, going to wake up my mom. But I stop, I lock my door because I suddenly hear someone walking up the stairs.

I hear a scream.

     I hear people sounding, like a tramped of elephants running down the stairs and me being the dumb white girl I am, I unlock the door. I will just take a glance. Silence.  It was so quiet I could hear my own heart beat. I walk over to my mom's room, it was made like it was never touched. I go to my dad's room, same thing.

     Luckily my sister was in New York, for her best friend birthday. I start walking down the stairs as silently as I can. There was two guys, the one I saw through the glass and a light skin and one girl who appeared white also. I couldn't tell because they were wearing masks and holding long knifes almost like swords. This freaky shit was in the purge. I immediately think of one of my favorite thrillers. The three of them didn't see me and they were in the family room,they were all standing there silently staring at the floor.

     Sneaking around through the dining room to the kitchen to grab a knife. But I didn't know there was more people in my house, I see a Korean girl covered in dark blood, like in Carrie. She stared at me with a small smile. Why isn't she killing me? What the heck is going on? We stand their, for it seems like an hour.

     More people come in smiling at me, about fifteen people. "Where are my parents?" I ask, proudly that my voice sound strong. They all laugh. "Answer me!" I yell. Tears starting to form in my eyes. The Korean girl starts to walk towards me. She puts her hand out to the wipe my tear, I flinch. It made her angry so she slaps me.

     She opens the knife drawer and pulls out the knife I was going to get. "Looking for this?" She says, monotone. I hear sirens. I'm saved! I smile at the positive thought. But none of them move. I pass out.

     Back to present time, apparently the drug I took does take a really long time and it made me have hallucinations.

My mom said when this is what happened.

    "She took a nap and around seven like nap and around like one or two she woke us up by a loud crash, I run down stairs, and she's turning off a lamp looking terrified. With a bunch of cuts on her from like she punched or ran through the glass. She whispered "who is that?" And runs up stairs in her room then passes out on the floor. I call 911 and wake up her father. When I walk back to check on her she was standing there just staring straight ahead, not responsive. She walks down stairs and grabs a knife then starts crying and yells "where are my parents? Answer me!"  Then passes out. Peyton you scared the shit out of me! You're so grounded."


That was sarcasm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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