~Chapter 1 SAO ~

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There's a loud knock on the door, I sit up slowly and grab my crutches from beside my night stand and make my way to the front door . I open the door to a police officer and a detective of some sort ." Are you Misae Ooshi ". They ask in a stern tone ." I am " I say wondering what they'd want from someone like me . I'd just been through a lot you know , after being stuck in the game for so long , and the fact I couldn't use my legs as and effect .

    They look at each other and then back at me ." Were gonna have to take you down to the station to ask you a couple of questions ,for the arrest of Akihiko Kayaba  . " Sick bastard traping everyone in a game ... making them fight for there lives ... what the hell was wrong with him". I am in deep thought when a realize the two men were still speaking " are you ok ". They say concerned " I nod " I'm fine ".
They assist me to the police car and when I was settle they started the engine and drove off . The first few minutes were filled in silence but soon after this they started asking me questions like " What was it like to be in a video game " or " would you ever look at video games the same after this tragic event " . I answered them as truthfully as possible I mean they were cops lying would be bad
When we arrive to the station they help me out of the back of the car and take me to a room . I cant help but notice everyone's eyes are on me . Staring as if I was some kind of a freak
they put me in a small room with  dark grey walls a door and a silver table with one silver chair .

" This is patent 24608 currently know as Misae Ooshi of Musashinomori " a man says " okay and why is she here ? " Says another man " Because we need evidence against Akihiko Kayaba and his company " said the man firmly " OK but why her specifically " the man questions . The first man looks over and say " That information is highly classified ". The second man nods his head " understood " I listen quietly as they walk in
" I'm detective Shō Atsuya and this is officer Tatsumi and we'd like you to tell us everything that happened before during and after your time in the game ". I look at them and retort " And why should I ". Detective Atsuya sighs and removes his hat and rubs his fingers through his hair . He looks as if he hadnt slep for days but I suppose that was typical ." Look I just want to put the guy who took three years of your life in jail OK ? You fought for your life and you shouldn't have had to , I know you lost some friends to  this man if your trying to protect him......" he hit a nerve " Protect that man he is a monster that should not have been born in the first place , yea I want to put his ass in jail but it does me no good you wanna know why ......". I get up without my crutches and ball my hands into a fist my hair completely covering my eyes my face was hot it burned like fire as tears fell " "BECAUSE THAT DOESNT BRING MY FRIENDS BACK TO LIFE .... THAT IS NOT NEARLY ENOUGH TO ATONE FOR THERE DEATHS , AND NOT JUST THE DEATHS OF MY FRIENDS BUT FOR ALL THE PEOPLE WHO'S LIVES WERE WASTED ON THIS STUPID FUCKING GAME YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT ...... I WANT TO SEE HIM SUFFER JUST LIKE US.. I WANT HIS LIFE TO BE RIPPED FROM HIM .....I WANT HIM TO DIE ." The detective and officer are shocked by my reaction , the detectives facial expression changes to a softer one he puts a hand on my shoulder " I know ....I know so help me put this man in jail ". I nod hesitantly and sit back down the detective smiles like he just won the lottery " OK tell us everything ". I breath in deeply and begin to speak :

I remember it like it was yesterday although the memories are a bit fuzzy but who could forget how three years of there life would be changed forever ......

I get out of the shower dripping wet my hair almost past my chin and as my feet touch the wood floor I think " I need another haircut soon ". I walk to the door wondering who it could be at this hour when I open the door and see who it is I get an uneasy feeling in my stomach , now that I have seen the people at my door who stands less then a foot away from me I'd like to close it and never have to open that door .....the door to my past .....a door that has caused me so much pain and suffering......I sigh its my so called " Parents ". The parents that love me so much that they walk out on me. They abused me .... they used me for there own selfish purposes .... they weren't parents they were crooks and thieves and I never wanted to see them again . but here they were.
They probably had gotten my address from the child services because technically they were still my legal guardians ." Hey its been a long time sweetie ". They says with akward smiled on there faces " So ". I say coldly the frown slightly " Oh come on Misae please don't be like that ". My mom says " I raise my voice at them " Then please tell me how am I suppose to be after 10 years hmm". They look at one another and sigh and from behind there backs they hand me a present wrapped in an aqua green wrapping paper and a golden bow I took it from there hands it was heavy . My parents smile brightly but I could tell there smiled were fake my dads smile looked like plastic and my moms her smile looked like she used entirely to much botox " .
We just wanted to show you how much we miss you " My dad said . " Missed me" I repeated . " bullshit this is because you greedy son of a bitches want something , or because last month we decide that you won't be part of my will anymore ." The expression on my face is an emotionless one. I quickly grab the present and as I close the door and abruptly say "Goodbye ... Oh and wait one more thing if I ever see your face here again im calling the cops " i smile wickedly and shut the door in there faces feeling I had done some justice to my not so perfect past .

Tasumi stops me right there " What does this have to do with Akihiko Kayaba ". I turn towards him staring daggers I was going to say something but detective Atsuya gets in between us he hands me a cup of coffee and a donut and tells me to continue as I eat my donut I glance in Officer Tasumi's direction and continued
Anyways My foster mom Haruno walks out of the kitchen . " Who was it honey " she says . " No one I answer back ", she nods but i know from that for longed look in her face that's she had been listening quietly the whole time . I turn the corner and walk down the hall , I open my door and walk in then just as quickly as it was opened I closed it.

I take the box that my parents so graciously gave me and throw it in the back of my closet . I then grab my headset and mp3 player and open my laptop . I put on my favorite J-Rock band and click on and icon , I opened up one of my favorite RPG game . No longer had a logged in my phone rings , I look down at it its Kiyokio , I answer
" Hello Kiyokio " I say annoyed Kiyokio has long brown straight hair in which she always wore in a ponytail , bangs , ruby red tortoise shell glasses and a petite frame . She was a sweet girl but heres the thing she's SO ANNOYING (-_-*) . She talks to much , and anything that comes out of her mouth usually involves her. She clingy and follows me around like a lost puppy. But that's not even the half of it . Almost all of Musashinomori high talks about her and I feel
bad so I keep her around
She answers back all to cheerfully " Hi Misae ! Have you heard about the new game that's coming out ?" I sigh" Is it another dress up game you wanna show me . Kiyokio has the tendency to make me participate in everything she thinks is " fun " and I let her sometimes thinking I'd somehow find a way to have fun......wait you guessed it I am wrong on my part she giggles and says" No even better its an RPG game that I though you might like ."

" Okay I'm listening what's the name of it called ". I say the slightest bit interested . " Its called sword art online ." She say excited I had asked " I'll check it out for your sake I say It better not be anything stupid ." Before I hang up she says . "I signed you up to be a Beta Tester for it I hope you don't mind ." You did what " ! I say loudly" I figured you like playing games so you'd be the perfect person , Hey Misae are you mad at me" ?! " No fine its whatever , When do I start ?." I say very annoyed " You'll start tomorrow at noon I'll pick you up okay bye ." She says still excited" Wait ....I sigh and go back to playing my game so much for sleeping in tomorrow .

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