Chapter 3 : Here Comes The Bride !

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Morning came , as i woke up from a very nice sleep, I,in my pajamas went down the house to the front door and as soon as i opened it .

A Large commotion was happening.

A goat came running to me saying "Oh dear mr.Bride you can't go out yet!"


A tigress went up to me next "Shall we hurry and prepare now?" ,she bowed her head a little while holding onto a towel.

"Prepare for what?" ,i asked without thinking over.

Silence took over everywhere.
I guess they heard.

"ah.. ehem.. Your wedding."

"......" it took a few seconds before it sunk in, "ahhhh. . Oh."
I looked away from everyone.
I immediately turned red and started becoming very nervous.

"AH.AHH..AHHHH! !" ,I Screamed.

I ran of to my room and to my surprise my gown was already placed there. A cream tube laced gown shaded by red from below and a red veil with silver crown.

The tigress suddenly popped from behind as I looked back.

I stumbled upon a lying red clothed silver heels from being startled as I stepped backward and fell off of my feet.

"Oh ram..",  the tigress let out.
I'll fix you right away.

3 hours went by from bathing ,dressing and make-up i haven't even moved on my own even for a lil. Bit.

And now.

I'm staring at myself in a large mirror that covered the whole wall. Fitting fluffy gown , white lace gloves , red lipstick,eyelashes and mascara.

"Why am i even letting him marry me again?" , i spoke in my mind.

The tigress escorted me into a carriage of red with gold and black linings. A henchman sitting onftont to maneuver , a bull henchman to be precise.

The carriage took of immediately as to say that the groom was already waiting in the church .
Meanwhile, the bride enjoyed his sight around outside , "it wasn't so bad at all" he claimed. As the carriage reached the other end of the kingdom ,the church was on sight ; a gothic church made with red cement , it has black as their roof and gold as their details.

A Garden surrounding the church is planted with red rose.

Much to the brides amazement, he was staring off in space.

As i walk towards the entrance , i felt calm enough to face a new morning , i don't care anymore as long as i can get used to living here as fast as i could and to my surprise-

the inside of the church was covered in gold , the guests showering me with red rose petals, wedding instrumentals that doesn't seem so happy but rather dark. After looking around so much i faced forward and saw Silver smiling at me.

I don't know why he decided to marry me just like that.

it was just a silly joke of me.

as we were already face to face , he kissed me on the cheeks as good luck as we proceeded on the altar . The altar is made from gems i don't see in my kingdom , they were as dark as the theme of their kingdom , i haven't seen anyone wearing light colours except for me , even silver here beside me is wearing a black and red wedding tux. The ceremony is already drawing to an end-

" Do you take Silver Yohan Clau as your Husband?

" I-I do"

"As this ceremony comes to an end raise your cups! ,entwine your arms, and drink the wine that symbolises that two bloods had become one "

i never heard of a ceremony like this where you drink wine as a pledge. as i drank the wine i suddenly felt suffocated. i couldn't stand well, i couldn't move , i couldn't had gotten drunk from just that? . I lost balance of myself but luckily silver catches me in his arms ; he grabbed me by my waist ,pulled my arm to his shoulders and kissed me as the final pledge, after that, everything was hazy. I remember Silver carrying me out of the church like how he carried me last night, and i swear his chest just feels so damn good

*Silver's House* 

"h n g ..ah." 

i woke up and see silver beside me fondling my bottom....

i slapped him unconsciously , "WHAT THE FCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" .

He glared at me and said "Aren't we already husband and wife!? I THOUGHT WE COULD SHARE A BOND ALREADY!"

"WE CAN BUT NOT NOW OHMYGOHD I DON'T EVEN LOVE YOU JUST YET-" i looked down at myself as i noticed a transparent lacy figure , i was already dressed in a princess lingerie.  at the sight of myself was a soulless face and because of that i slapped him real hard again.

He grabbed me by the wrist and pressed me on the bed , " You know this is not the place you were once in so there's no need for you to follow that common courtesy , so why won't we have fun all night long ? i promise i'll make you feel good , i'll numb your whole body and get you begging for more"

After his words , i started tearing up i didn't imagine my first time would be with someone i don't even like , i thought he was nice since he was a wolf that could cry out so loud ,but, i was wrong-


"you c-can do what you want  *sob* i d-don't c-care *sob*"

i felt Silver's heavy breathing , i'm ready to be ravished ,i thought, me shutting my eyes real closed so that i don't see the terror as it will start but then- he kissed me on my forehead 

"You're tired , you better go to sleep now, this must be because of all that damn partying and stuff" he turned his back away from me and slept, he let me go....

i'm so shocked at the moment.

" he does have a soft spot"

but i wonder why- " why did you marry me ?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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