Sleep kills the pain, but waking up brings it back

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I was comfortable.

But I could tell I wasn't in my bed.

The spot I was in was me in a ball on something...something comfy.

Wait, where was I?

I lifted up my head, my eyes kinda squinty...I looked up with my eyes kinda fuzzy. I saw the tv screen from last night with Chaz and ryan, and Justin.

Did I fall asleep on the couch?

I went to lift up my arm to see the time when I felt restricted.

Was my arm stuck between the couch?!

I tried to pull my arm up.

But soon miserably failed.

I blinked a few more times trying to figure where I was...and what I was on.

I looked at my arm surprised to see Justin's arms wrapped around my body completely.

Justin's tattooed Arm was around my back very close to my butt, and his other arm was around my front. .He was basically holding me in my ball position.

Did I fall asleep on Justin?

A wave of guilt flew over me.

Did I restrict him from sleeping in his bed?

The last thing I remembered last night was Justin giving me advice on the whole Jai thingy.

I felt really bad.

What if he wanted to sleep in his own bed.

Justin was sitting up basically just holding me.

I looked at Justin's face.

Peacefully sleeping.

His eyes closed...his lips in a straight line...his hair looked the same...his arms were muscular...they were wrapped around me all night. I couldn't help but smile at that thought. He was there for me when Jai wasnt. My own boyfriend.

I got sadness washed over me again remembering last night seeing Jai tweet but not call or text me back? Whatever.

I laid my head back down on Justin's chest.

I could hear his heart beating slow normal sleeping paces...his hard abs right under me. I couldn't act like I didn't feel them ;)

I was bored and didn't want to wake him up, he needed his rest. He was a hardworking guy.

I managed to slip my arm out of Justin's hold, only to make him grasp my body tighter. Aw, I wish Jai was procreative of me...even in his sleep. I felt safe. I loved being in Justin's arms.

I held my phone close to my face while my left check was glued to Justin's chest.

I clicked the home button revealing it was 9 am.

The crew wouldn't have to wake Justin and I till 12. I could stay here till then.

I unlocked my phone and instantly clicked messages... I had 2 new ones from Chaz from last night.

I opened his messages showing 2 dark pictures.

I was honestly scared opening these pictures, they could be anything...never trust Chaz.

Furrowing my eyebrows I clicked them both.

The first picture was of Justin and I, when I was awake.

The flash brightened up Justin's body and my own making us look like ghosts. His arms where exactly how they were right now. But I was looking at him and he was looking at me. It kinda looked like we were about to kiss.

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