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Hoseoks pov_

"Living room." I hear him reply.

I continue making ramen soup, well by making I mean heating up from a package.

After it's done heating up I separate it evenly into two bowls. I grab two pairs of metal chopsticks and head to the living room.

I stop at the entry way and see him gazing out the window. I walk up behind the couch and he turns around.
I smile.

A big lightning crackle was heard before all the lights went out.

"H-Hoseok?" he says with a little worry in his voice. I laugh and walk to the coffee table, carefully, and set down the bowls.

I pull out my phone and turn the flash on, revealing a cute young man, with tear stains on his cheeks.

"Hey, I'll be right back, let me go get some flashlights, so I don't waste my iPhone battery." I say with a smile.

I walked out and headed to the kitchen.
'Why was he crying?' I thought to myself.

I went and opened one of my lower cabinets, pulling out some flashlights. When I clicked the on button it didn't turn on... the batteries were dead, and I had no extra.

I went and opened a few other cabinets and only found candles.

I walked back and saw the young man sitting, waiting. I walked over to the table and set down the candles and lit them.

I grabbed our bowls and gave one to him and a pair of my chopsticks.

He gladly took them and started eating, and so did I.

After we were done eating I sat out bowls on the table and looked at him. His eyes were so beautiful, his hair was a golden brown, his skin seemed so soft, his lips... oh his lips.

"You haven't told me your name." I say to him.

"Oh, my apologies.. Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." he says with a weak smile.

"Well, Kim Taehyung, you are a handsome man and sad. Nobody good looking should be sad, nobody in general should ever be sad. It's a waste of time." I said to him.

"You don't understand. Something has happened and I am just so heart broken.." he said with tears brimming his eyes.

"Tell me, I'm here, I'll listen." I say

"Well, Hoseok, buckle up and enjoy the ride of my messed up love life." he says while laughing a sad laugh and smiling a depressing smile.

I touch his shoulder, letting him know I'm ready when he's ready.

He took an unsteady breath, and started.

"There was this girl I had met about three years ago, and she was gorgeous, well to me at least. I immediately found something interesting about her, so I got to know her. We went on little dates, shopped, adventured, and a lot of other things. I eventually asked her out and she said yes. I was so thrilled. I was so happy with our relationship, but one day I just noticed something different about her, the way she acted. She said it was nothing, but I just didn't really believe her. Well about a year into our relationship I went over to go see her, and she was cheating with some guy I've never seen before, so I walked out and didn't speak to her for maybe a day or two. She ended up knocking on my door saying it was the biggest mistake of her life, and me being the stupid person I am, believed her. Well it was all steady for about another year until this morning. Except this time she came to me, told me she was cheating and laughed. I just couldn't handle it so I just started yelling at her and she just walked away. The last two years of my life wasted. So I just locked myself in my room for about 4 hours, then left, not knowing where I would end up... but hey, now I'm here." he says with tears falling and attempting a smile.

I hug him tightly.

"Ugh." he says while smiling a bit. "I'm sorry.." he chuckled.

"It's okay, I can tell you needed to tell someone. It's good that I helped you earlier, I'm glad your here." I said while wiping away his tears.

"So, Hoseok, are you in a relationship with a girl? or.." I cut him off.

"I'm bisexual." I said smiling.
"I like both, if I find a girl interesting, I'll go after her. If I find a boy interesting, I'll go after the boy." I say smiling.

He smiles back. "So do have any sort of feelings for anyone right now?" he says.

It caught me off guard.

"Well, yes actually." I say smiling.
It's you.
"Who?" he asks.
"That's not important."
"Why then? What do you find interesting about him or her?" he asks.
"They are super sweet, from what I can tell, good looking, actually have feelings, and I think I might have a chance with them." I say.

"That's good." he says.

I check my phone.
1:33 a.m
"Hey I think it's time to start going to bed." I say.

"Okay, can you give me a lift home?"

"No, it's basically flooding outside! I have a guest room you can use. I'll bring you some fuzzy blankets okay?"
I say.

"Okay." he says back.

I lead him to the guest room and tell him to get comfortable and that I will be right back.

I head to my room and grab my warmest fuzzy blanket and head back.
He was laying down and dozed off, I smiled and threw the blanket over him.

As I was walking out I had some sort of urge.

I walked back over to him and leaned down. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"Goodnight Kim Taehyung."

Agh I'm sorry this wasn't great! I guess is what you call somewhat of a filler chapter.. it gets better soon... I promise!

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