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Taehyung pov_
I woke up and stretched my arms.
It was cloudy and it was still raining outside, just not as much or hard.

I got up and my feet hit the cold stone ground.

I walked out and went to the living room and saw Hoseok sitting there watching television.

I guess he heard me because he turned off the T.V and turned around.

"You woke up pretty early Taehyung, considering what happened yesterday." he said.

I smiled a tired smile and walked over to him and sat down.

"How was your sleep?" he asked.
"It was okay. I fell asleep thinking and that's never good for me." I said chuckling and scratching the back of my head.

"So, uh, did you want a ride home?"
he asked.

"Depends? Are you gonna be busy today?" I ask.

His eyes light up.

"U-Uh, No! I'm not gonna be busy, why?" he asked.

"Okay, well, you know how I just got out of a relationship? Yeah I don't think it's a good idea to be alone right now."

He just looked up and smiled at me.

"Wanna go get coffee and walk around or something?" he asks.

I smile back.

"That sounds great."

We got our coffee and ended up driving to the mall, entering as fast as we could because of the rain.

We were walking around drinking our drinks. I had gotten a Chai Latte with sugar and cinnamon while Hoseok got a Peppermint Mocha.

"Hey can I be real with you for a second?" I asked him still sipping my Latte and looking straight.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" he asked.

I giggle a little bit and he just stares at me.

"I forgot to bring my wallet." I say and laugh a little. He laughs along, and admits that he didn't have money because he spent the last of it on our coffee, so we just end up walking around the mall... window shopping. Hoseok loved it.

Hoseoks pov_
I stole glances, admiring how great he looked today. I bought him coffee and we ended up going to the mall, but neither of us had money, so we just went window shopping.

As we were walking around we soon grew tired and the sun was soon to be setting. We walked back to my car and took a little cruise, enjoying the sky as it danced with the colorful clouds.

"Hoseok, wanna go to my place? I haven't shown you yet and I think we should go chill out and watch a movie." Taehyung said while Hoseok basically exploded but kept it cool.

"Yeah, sure give me the directions."
I followed Taehyung into his house and sat down.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. His hair was slightly wavy because of the rain getting his hair wet earlier, his eyes were just sparkling, and his lips.. my god those lips.

I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked up to him.. smashing my lips onto his. He went for it and kissed me back roughly. I could tell he enjoyed it.

I walked backwards and sat down on the couch.. he sat on my lap, but we never broke the kiss.

He started to lift up my shirt and trace his fingers along my body, it tickled a bit. He then pulled it off completely and started taking off his..

I popped back into reality.

"Hey, you good? you were spacing out on me!" Taehyung said chuckling.

"Well here we are.. my house. Sorry it isn't very great. My house is nothing compared to yours." he said embarrassed.

You know, it really wasn't. He lived in a normal sized home made from mainly wood.. My house was basically like a mansion, just a tiny bit smaller, and was made from stone, wood, and marble, but here's the thing... I don't care about Taehyungs house, I care about Taehyung. If he lived in a damn shed I would still like him, fuck what anyone else thought, I care for him so much and I wouldn't let a persons opinion on his house make me stop liking him.

I smiled at him, trying my best on making him feel unembarrassed.
"Hey I like it! It seems hella cozy and plus, you don't have a shit load of cleaning to do unlike my house." I said giggling at the end.

Taehyung chuckled.

"Your right, I just feel like.. I don't know, shy? Embarrassed? Uneasy? It's just your home is so fancy and mines so not." he said frowning a bit, so he looked down at his feet.

"Hey, listen, I don't care about your house.. I care about the person living in it." I said while putting my hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and glanced at me, "You know, your a really good person." he said.

I laughed and took a hold of his wrists. He didn't pull away, so that was amazing.

"So, how about that movie?"

a/n: Hey! sorry this wasn't a very long chapter but next one will be full of details 🌚.. I am gonna start putting my name instead of authors note, anyways...
Thanks for reading.!

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