Suspect hunt!

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After much thinking, Angel went to Daniel's house. 

Daniel was lying on the couch and thinking about all that happened. After all these years, he met Angel. On top of that, she took up the same case he almost gave up. He did not expect anything from her but he did not want to be rude or unfriendly with her. But he wasn't able to ward off the feeling that she knew something and the fact that she is Veronica's friend is not helping. He can demand to know it from her as hiding potential evidence is also a crime. If she knows something, she has to tell that. But at the same time, he wanted her to tell him by herself. If only.....

The bell rang loudly bringing him out of his thought. He went and opened the door and there stood Angel in all her vulnerability. He can see it in her eyes. She was looking tired.

"Hi Angy. Come in."

But Angel did not want to beat around the bush anymore.

"Daniel, we have to go to a place."

Daniel was confused. What is it now? 


"Loca's house."

"Why? I think we have investigated him already."

"He said something which we did not consider yet."

She came to tell me something. 

"And what is that?"

"I was thinking about something Malcolm said. Earlier when asked about any help that Veronica would have asked him, he said something about Veronica trusting Loca. Then I remembered Loca said something about finding a lab to test Grisham's samples."

Oh!!! how did I forget that??

"Oh yes. It completely slipped my mind."

"Yesterday we were worried about Grisham. Let's don't dwell on that. Vicky should be looking into it. Let's go to Loca and ask him if he was able to help her find any lab."

In between all this, he forgot to take a bite.

"Let's grab something to eat on our way from Junkies."

Angel did not dare disagree.


They went to the jeep and Angel started driving it.

Daniel was wondering how he should lay out the clues and solve the puzzle. He could draw a conclusion from all these things.

"Angy, what about the missing piece? I looked around at Alex's and Nina's place and there was no success."

"The missing rectangular can be with anyone. I found their houses cluttered with old newspapers and post it notes on the fridge. Alex and Nina don't have any books on their reading table."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Who is on the suspect list?"


"Ron is looking into it as we speak."


"That's it?"

"Who are you expecting?"

Daniel was silent the whole ride.

Angel stopped the car in front of Loca's stucco. She got down and looked at Danny.

"Rose and Marissa think there was something wrong with her relationship. But they do not what happened after the fight. Alex was watching over her property. He was vague and I could not get any information from them. But Nina took a new name, Neil. He is at the top of my list."

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