loving him from the distance

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(I don't really know if he went to the X factor or not)

He used to be my best friend. We did everything together....everyday. That is until he went to the X factor. I couldn't go because it was to much money. I loved him with everything I had. Right now i'm at one of his shows watching him from the distance. I know that sounds like a stalker but....I love him.

There he is up on stage singing a song that everyone knows and loves. I never knew that I would end up loving him from the distance...He was always there for me. Then he stopped calling me and focused on his band witch I totally understand. Every interview they were in I watched..i was so proud of him. I mean this is what he wanted. He always talked about being big even if he was a drop out. I loved his accent it made him who he was....

I miss him

Ashton Irwin was his name

Band 5 seconds of summer

I saw that they were coming back to Sidney. I was scared to see him again. I didn't know what to think. He has changed a lot. I'm scared he won't remember me

I was at home getting ready for work when I got a twitter notification from ash

@ashton Iwin: Sidney Hear I Come!!!!! :) ;)

I cut my phone off and decided to call mrs. Irwin

Phone Call

Hello Mrs. Irwin

Y/n how are you dear

I'm good I wanted you to leave a message for ash

ok dear what would you like me to tell him

Tell him y/n misses him and loves him

sure thing he should be here in a few I'll tell him

Thank you Mrs. Irwin I love you too

I love you too. I hope to see you soon


Bye dear


*That night*

I was getting ready for bed when heard the door of my flat open

The only person how has a key is.....................

"hello" I yelled

I was in my bed room getting ready for bed when I herd my bedroom door open

I turned to who I thought I would never see again

Ashton Irwin

"Ashton what are you doing here" I said sadly

"to see you" he said like it was obvious

"No I mean In Sidney" I snapped

"To see my family and friends" he said

"well obviously I'm a friend because you never called me" I said annoyed

"I'm sor- " I cut him off

"Don't say your sorry because I know your not. Save it Ashton"

" What happened to Ash?" he asked

"You left that's what happened" I said

"Y/n listen" he said

"no ash you listen ok. I am in fucking love with ok. I have been ever scents we were kids. Everyday I fell for you more and more. I would admire you from the distance. Make you laugh so I could see your perfect teeth. How we would sit in your living room and you would sit in my lap while I played with you hair. Everyday I fell more and more in love with a guy who would never love me back. But when you left I broke down but you said you were going to call everyday. You did but then after awhile you stopped. That's when I broke down because ash....you left me and I couldn't do it. I cried for weeks to I was emotionally drained. No smiles no laughs just a blank face trying to pretend to be happy. Now that your here I can't help but fall in love with you right over again. Ash I haven't stopped loving you. I never will. I love you so much Ashton Irwin but I'm just a girl from Sidney how was just a friend. So now your standing in my bedroom telling me your sorry when you haven't talked to me in 2 years. Ash I love you but I can't. I think it's best if you go" I said out of breath.

he was silent staring at me mouth agape

I started to walk tords my door when he ran and took me into his arms and kissed me. It was long and tender.

"I love you too y/n. For longer than you have" he said and kissed me again

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" he said a kissed my cheek

"ok ash but you really need to go" I said and walked him to the door

"ok well I'll see you tomorrow?" he said

"yes tomorrow" I said and

I went to close to door but he grabbed my wrist before the door closed. I quickly yanked my hand away

"y/n let me see your arm" he said sternly

"why" I said

"let me see it" he said

"ash please" I said

He took my arm and turned it around to look at wrist

There was pink line lining my wrist to where my elbow is

"y/n" he whispered

he kissed everyone of my scares and leaned in to kiss me

"I'll never let anyone hurt you"



You know you guys can come to me if you ever need to talk. I'm always here. Comment and favorite and give me requests in what I should write next. THX ily guys

_Maddie :-)

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