Sapphire Roses - 1

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Hey everybudy, So many people liked "The coming of the End." Thomas kind of grew on me and I felt a little bad for leaving the story so sad. I decided to work on a more happy story for me. This is the first part. I'm thinking there will me another part or two.

xxx minda428

Sapphire Roses

Thomas’ POV

I looked up at the clock. Ten minutes until quitting time, there was no point in continuing with what I was working on. I knew my attention was shot so I just put away my things and shut down my computer. I turned my attention to what were on the back of my mind constantly, the sapphire roses on my desk. It had been two years since Jackson passed and I still miss him. The lonely, broken hearted feeling has become something I am used too and the only time I have any form of peace is when I am at work. Normally I stay late at work, I honestly have nothing waiting for me at home so why not do something to occupy my mind. Fridays though are another story. I look at the roses. They have been on my desk all week so they are wilting a bit but so is my heart so it’s ok. Work was now over so it was time to leave. I started to grab my stuff and as I was reaching for the roses I heard my boss, Jerry’s voice. “Hey Thomas, can I speak to you for a minute?” Jerry may be my boss but he had been Jackson and my friend since grade school so Jackson’s death had also hit him hard as well. I walked into his office and took a seat.

“So I need to tell you something but I need you to have an open mind and to let me say everything before you freak out. Ok?” he said.

Something about how he said all of that made me want to freak out but I nodded my head and said ok anyway.

“Thomas, you’re one of my closest friends and I am really worried about you. Jackson has been gone for 2 years and you’re still running yourself ragged. You’ve lost so much weight and have constant bags under your eyes. You don’t look healthy Thomas and I honestly can’t bury another friend. All of that being said a week ago I got a call from another branch of this agency about them looking for a design executive. You are my best designer and so I put in your name. They want you, man. This would be a raise and you would be in charge of your team of designer. It is such a great opportunity for you. The only thing is its several hours away from here. I know you don’t want to leave here but please Thomas. You need this. It would be a new start for you and you truly need that.”

I sat there in shock trying to absorb what Jerry was saying, a promotion. OMG!!! I already knew Jerry was worried about me. I was used to that. Honestly everyone was worried about me. I looked like a zombie because of not only the weight loss but from not sleeping. I didn’t want to leave here but I knew that Jerry was right. If I couldn’t get myself together, I would be buried next and I couldn’t let that happen.

“Ok, I accept the position. So I need detail, Jer.” The smile that lit his face made it all worth it.

After getting all the details from Jerry I headed out. I was pretty scared about this but I knew it was for the best.

Jerry’s POV

Once Thomas was out of the office, I let out a sigh of relief. Two years, I’ve watch my friend fall apart and nothing I did seemed to help. I opened my desk drawer and pulled out the letter. It was worn from constant reading and I could practically recite its contents but looking at it helped me deal.

Hey Jer,

If you’re reading this then I am gone. I am so sorry man. I know this is hard for you just as it’s hard for me. I know everyone thought I’d get better or go into remission but sometimes things don’t go the way we want and I’m sorry. I know me being gone isn’t going to be easy but I need someone to stay strong. So do this for me be strong and don’t fall apart on me. You know Thomas as well as I do. I know you always felt like a third wheel because of how close me and Thomas were but you are our friend and I respect you more that you can imagine.

Thomas is going to fall apart Jerry. We have been together since we were in diapers and you know that. So when I am gone Thomas is going to lose his constant, me. Jerry I can’t go knowing he will follow me. Can you please make sure that doesn’t happen? Do whatever you have to to force him to go forward in life, to live. I want both of you to live for me. I want you to find a great girl and get married. I know you love being a player but you don’t know how much time you truly have so don’t miss out on what can be great. Thomas can find a new love. I want that for him so please as my dying wish do these things for me. I will always be watching you both, my best friends.


I read through the letter again and prayed I was doing the right thing. Thomas wasn’t living, he was trying to work himself to death and I couldn’t let that happen. I made a promise to Jackson and sending Thomas away from this town was my last resort. I just hoped it worked.

Thomas’ POV

I walked through the cemetery like every Friday, still slightly in shock from my talk with Jerry. I looked at the roses in my hand. They were the ones from my office desk. Beautiful sapphire roses a little wilted but still just as beautiful. I thought of the happy memories that I see with these roses. I still remember the first time Jackson took me on a date. The beautiful man holding sapphire roses like the ones I was now holding. We had always joked about how our relationship was such a cliché so why not bring me roses. I had just laughed at him. I had always loved the color blue even though Jackson had green eyes. These roses had been in every part of mine and Jackson’s relationship, dates, anniversaries, and even our wedding, so now they followed his death. I replace the roses on my desk each Monday and on Fridays I bring them here to his grave. I stood in front of his grave. Jackson Daniel Williams 1986 – 2011 Beloved son, friend, and husband. Just reading the words made my heart hurt. I missed him and no amount of happy memories made the fact that he was gone any better. Every Friday I come to replace the roses but also to talk. I know it’s just a grave but it almost makes me feel like he’s listening and helps the ache in my heart. I talked about everything from the week even the promotion. I still planned on coming here each week but I had promised Jackson I would live and no matter what I couldn’t let him down. So I went home and packed my some of my stuff or at least what I would need for the next week. I started the new job on Monday so I would stay the week in a hotel until I found a place then I would officially move.  As much as I wanted to stay in this town, I knew that Jackson wasn’t here and all I had were memories and no one could take away memories so I prepared to start a new job in a new town. I felt scared and nervous but I knew Jackson would have wanted me to do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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