Chapter One - Servitude.

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Deep red curtains drifted in the gentle wind, blowing around the open arched window. The soft rays of the rising sun bathed the simple room in a golden glow. The large black, perfectly made bed was illuminated in the furthest corner, two edges surrounded by the cold cobble walls that made up the structure of the Castle.
The old, wooden door was suddenly pushed open and a young woman strolled in. She adorned a long black cloak that covered her entire body, a hood hanging low over her face.
"As I said, Alec, I'll make my way down to the throne room in just a moment." Small dainty hands slid the hood down and back and the young woman shook out her short blonde hair. It fell to just below her chin and was perfectly flat and straight, curving and shaping her face. Her red eyes darted around the room before landing on the window. "And who keeps opening my window?" She closed it. And as she stood there, staring out of the window the sunlight hit her. It instantly changed her appearance, altering the perspective of her. She glowed; shined like a thousand tiny little diamonds. The sunlight reflected off her skin, bouncing back and illuminating the room in sparkles. She snapped the curtain shut and the room plunged into darkness.
"What is your problem with the outside world?" A young man stepped into the room, easily manoeuvring through the condemning dark. He was short and extremely young, possibly no older than 15. His brown hair was swept across his forehead, shielding the world from glancing at his own burgundy eyes. His skin pale, just as pale as the woman.
"It's their problem with us." She replied. She untied her cloak and draped it over the back of a lone arm chair and began rummaging through her drawers. "Not that their opinions will defer our hunger."
Alec snatched her cloak up and held it high as the woman began to strip out of her clothes. "Speaking of hunger, the feast will begin soon."
The sound of ruffling clothes paused and she sighed. "Today is not for me. I shouldn't have bothered to change."
"You are a messy eater." Alec pointed out.
"I enjoy myself." She defended.
"Far too much."
She reached for the cloak and took it in her hand. Alec look up to meet her eyes and then trailed down her clothing choice. A plain black pencil skirt and blouse that allowed too much relief to her cleavage.
"At least the mess won't be too noticeable."
She smiled slyly. "That's what I was going for."
"On a more serious note, they're beginning to grow impatient. You've kept them waiting all night."
"They sent me on a mission." She said, disregarding him.
"That you were supposed to return home two days ago. They're going to want to be debriefed on your success and your whereabouts."
"They know where I was. They sent me there."
"Did you stray?"
"Of course not." She said. "Why would I?"
"You and I both know that you crave your freedom."
"I am free, Alec."
"How long have you been with us?"
The woman gritted her teeth and slid the cloak back on over her shoulders, this time however leaving the hood down and the robe open. "Four hundred and Eighty-two years."
"How long have you wanted to be here?"
"Four hundred and Eighty-two years." She managed to say through gritted teeth.
Alec smirked. "I don't have to be a mind reader to know that you're lying. I've known you since my transformation.
"I advised Aro against it." She snapped.
The young one rolled his eyes and grabbed a hold of the woman sleeve. "No more stalling. You need to face them with the truth, you know he'll find it within you anyway."
She allowed herself to be tugged along. "I have nothing to hide."
"I wouldn't be too sure."

They made their way through the large elaborate castle that had homed them for years and came across the throne room after only a few passing moments. Alec pushed open the door and released the blonde woman. Three men sat upon thrones on a tiered platform. One was old, late forties possibly early fifties with long straggly brown hair. It looked lifeless and just as old as he does. His long face was pale and drawn, making him physically look tired and the down set of his lips and the dull almost black colour of his eyes made him look anything but interested. Beside him was a much younger man, he was almost the complete opposite of the first. His young appearance, complemented by silvery blonde hair and his pale complexion should have made him look approachable, but as the saying goes, 'looks can be deceiving'. He had a constant scowl etched on his lips. The last man was clearly the leader, he was younger then the older, probably by a good twenty years. His hair was long, just passing his shoulders and was a sleek chocolate brown, that made his pale skin even paler. His was grinning widely and stood up with an exaggerated sweep of his arms.
"Ivette! It's good to see you well. I assume it was successful?"
Alec bowed and stepped to the side and Ivette moved forward to bow just before the three men.
"Aro," She greeted. "It was as successful as it could have been. There was a slight hiccup in the plan but I managed to deal with it."
"What kind of 'hiccup'?" The young blond demanded.
"Caius, brother, patience, I'm sure she's just getting to it." Aro waved Ivette to continue and she did.
"The coven knew of your orders; they were ready for me. I was outnumbered and had to find an alternative strategy to strike them down."
"But you managed to eliminate each and every one of them, correct?"
"I wouldn't have returned had I not," She replied easily. She stood stiffly, back straight and hands clasped behind her back, respectfully.
Aro clapped happily. "Perfect, I knew we could count on you."
"When did your mission come to an end?" The older one asked, monotonously. "We expected you before now."
"I apologise for keeping you waiting.," She lowered her head, submissively. "Yesterday morning."
Caius straightened in his throne. "Where did you go to stretch you time?"
"Nowhere, I returned straight home."
"Then you should have returned just hours after your departure."
Ivette had to restrain from rolling her eyes. "I was located in Argentina, there was nothing I could have done to alter the planes booking times. I was not going to swim home, no matter the urgent rush."
"That's quite alright," Aro said. "Is it not, brother? After everything that she has achieved for us to maintain our power, doesn't she deserve certain leniency?"
"When she's not disrespecting direct orders."
"I did what I figured was the best course of action to take. You wouldn't have wanted me to end up dead now, would you Caius?"
His scowl deepened and his already steel burgundy eyes hardened all the more. But he kept quiet. Ivette sighed after a moment and bowed her head. "I apologise for my rude response and for keeping you waiting. Honestly that was not my intent."
"Fret not, child. All's well. You have distributed justice to those who have threatened our kind and have disobeyed our laws. You have yet to disappoint us with your servitude."
Servitude. That word was like a slap to Ivette's face. Cold and harsh with the unforgiving truth that she was owned. She was a servant to those in power, those in control. But she couldn't say a thing about it unless she wanted to be viewed as a ungrateful weakling. And she was far from being that, because in her mind there was nothing for her to be grateful about. The Volturi had granted her nothing but enslavement. They don't necessarily address it as such it's too much of a medieval term for them to be using within the current day. But it never used to be that way. A couple hundred years ago, they threw around the word 'slave' like it was nothing. Like the offence it caused was nothing more than an inconvenience to them. They complained that their guards were too soft-hearted to be compelling vampires. So the guards did what most would in that situation -with no way out of their entrapment they adapted. Grew accustomed to the terms thrown their way with no care. Now they ignore it, some even embrace it, they find honour in serving Aro, Caius and Marcus.
Ivette was not one of them. She took a step closer to Aro and the thrones. "Would you like to observe the mission?" She held out her hand and waited.
She could feel everyone watching and Aro glanced at her hand before reaching out, but just before he could fully grasp her hand, he pulled away and cackled. Ivette dropped her hand and took a few steps backwards. "Ivette, have we not spoken about this?" Aro questioned.
"I just assumed I had gained your trust by now," She replied cooly.
"My child, you have all my trust and respect, you have not once betrayed this coven, not even in your darkest hours. You have refrained from using your gift upon many of your brothers and sisters, including ourselves," he waved a hand to the two men beside him. "That fills me entirely with trust for you, however, I have only once experienced your gift first hand and I would not like to again. I trust you but not to that extent. I mean no offence."
A small slither of satisfaction rolled through Ivette. For just a moment - she knew it wouldn't last long- but she felt superior to them. Aro feared her in just the slightest because his own gift was nothing in comparison to hers. His gave him no extra strength or agility, or anything of the kind he can use to defend and protect himself. Ultimately he's defenceless against her.
"Of course," Ivette said. "I understand."
Aro grinned widely. "Marvellous. Now, getting back to business. I know you've only just arrived home and are probably famished, but I have another mission I require your expertise on. Your gift would come in handy and would make the process all the smoother."
"You're not sending her, are you?" Caius spoke up again. His disliking to the blonde was palpably in the air and had been since she had first been acquired centuries ago. Ivette wasn't sure what had made the youngest leader hate her so much, but she wasn't all that bothered about it either. In fact it gave her slight entertainment to bide her time with. She didn't associate herself alongside many of the other Guard members, nor any of the other functioning staff. They liked to keep their distance, they too didn't trust her gift. Because of that, she hadn't managed to make many friends within the castle and she needed something to drive away the urge to swan dive off the wives' tower. The bitter disputes that were daily occurrences between Ivette and Caius was the only entertainment that she could find. That and Alec's ineptitude.
"Can you identify someone more suited?" Aro countered.
Shuffling sounded at the back of the room and a small, young, brunette girl stepped forward from her place beside Alec. "I would be delighted."
Aro gracefully waved her away. "As useful as Jane is, she's not equipped to handle this situation. We do not require brute force and unstabling amounts of pain. We need subtly and someone who can withdraw deepest confessions and honesty."
"What's needed of me?" Ivette asked.
Aro ignored the shooting look the silvery blonde leader was throwing his way and redirected his attention back to the waiting woman. "I feel it time to observe the Cullen's once more. We've let them be for an appointed amount of time, but Isabella Swan in to have endured the transformation by now. They assured us that after the wedding it would be complete. We have received nothing to clarify it. I refuse to take them at their word, only visual evidence. You job is to simply visit and observe."
"Anything specific you'd like me to keep an eye open for?"
"Anything that disputes our laws."
"And if I arrived and Isabella is one of us?"
Aro rolled his eyes, agitatedly. "Observe. I'd like it if you could intermingle yourself into their lives. Over the last two years we've found them first handedly involved in several breaches of our laws and frankly, as much as I consider Carlisle a friend, I don't trust them. Their 'vegetarian' way of life is unnatural and honestly depriving themselves of the nutritional values in human blood has to have a side effect."
Ivette nodded. "How long should I stay?"
"I'm allowing you control on this, Ivette, so you decide. When you can honestly report back to us that they are clean and innocent, take your leave. But if you have even the smallest doubt, proceed to dig deeper."
"Understood. I'll leave for America immediately."
A giddiness invaded Aro's featured and he suddenly applauded loudly just at the grand doors were pushed open and loud, excitable chatting filled the room.
"Excellent," he beamed. "Dinner time. Indulge Ivette, you won't be sure when the next decent meal you can have will be."
Every vampire in the room turned toward the grand doors. Heidi strutted forward, her strikingly beautiful dress, swaying around her knees as she walked, leading in a bulky group of tourist. They looked around in fascination, eyes wide as they glided over everything. Some were snapping away photographs and others just stared in awe. Ivette's mouth watered. She hadn't fed since before she had gotten on the plane home and she was starving. She let her eyes bounce from one person to the other, trying to find the most appetizing and then she found him, lurking in the back. He was relatively tall, not all that muscular but defined enough to fill out his clothing. He had tousled brown wavy hair and dark, calculative, brown eyes that observed everything. His eyes found Ivette's and on reaction her tongue brushed over her top lip; like an animal stalking its prey. He was hers. She was going to have him. And then the grand doors slammed shut, echoing around the room. Ivette's lips pulled back from her teeth and she snarled. 'You're mine.' and just like that each vampire began to claim their victims.

Beautiful Sinner ~Emmett Cullen.Where stories live. Discover now