Chapter 8

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Ugh why did I have to have feeling for him. Seriously, out of all the guys in the world it had to be him?! I was still blind folded but I was sitting on a chair. I don't know where we are but I'm pretty sure it was abandoned.

I heard muffled voices but they were of people I don't know. I used every threat in the book against Blaze. But he just chuckled and said, "You and I both know that you don't mean it."

Sadly this was true. I couldn't even fathom the thought about being the cause of his pain. Physically anyways. It wasn't until the third day they gave into me.

I asked them to put me in at least some kind of holding cell because then I could move around. The moved me and I was now here. Sitting on my bed looking blankly at the walls. What they didn't know was that I had a hidden phone. 

Once I saw that it was close to one in the morning I pulled it out and dialed the only person who I knew would keep me safe from all these people.

"Daddy," I spoke into the phone.

"Sweet heart? Is that you?" He replied quickly concern evident in his voice.

"Yes Daddy it's me." I said in a hushed tone.

"Where are you." He said starting to sound angry.

"I need you to take care of a problem for me." I spoke silently.

"Fax-" He started but I cut him off.

"I can't, there is no fax machine where I am." I said taking a deep breath closing my eyes.

"Where are you." He said through clenched teeth. "Who took you." I stayed silent. "Mikayla!" He yelled causing me to jump.

"I can't tell you who took me!" I said sobbing.

"Why not." He said through pursed lips.

"Because, because I love him Daddy." I said shakily.

"And he's holding you prisoner?!" He yelled while knocking over something.

"You can come and get her, on one condition." Blaze appeared in the room out of no where. "You take your own life." And then he hung up throwing my phone against the wall shattering it to pieces.

"No!!!" I yelled crawling over to my shattered phone. "You're a monster!" I yelled at him.

"But a monster that you're in love with." He said in a chilling voice.

I cried for I don't know how long. But I fell asleep only to be woken up to the bright lights of early morning. I shielded my eyes. I assumed it was about two in the afternoon. Someone came into my cell. I looked and saw my daddy beaten up and bruised.

"Daddy!" I screamed rushing over to his side.

"It's okay sweetheart, I'm okay." He said weakly before coughing up blood.

"You are not okay, look what they did to you." I said lightly touching his gashes.

"I did this for you sweet heart. I told them I would take my life after I see you. They just roughed me up a little bit before they let me come to see you." He smiled weakly.

"You're s stupid stupid man Daddy." I cried into his chest.

He held me as best as he could. I couldn't believe he would kill himself for me. He was trying to calm me down but I knew his end was near. I couldn't believe Blaze would do something like this to me. I can't believe I love a monster like him.

"Alright time is up!" Speaking of the devil. He waltzed in like nothing was wrong. "You said one hour and the hour is up. Now it's time to say goodbye to daddy Kitten." I glared at him. he held out a gun.

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