Chapter 1

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Phil woke up with a jolt. He was sweating half his water weight from that nightmare. He looked around his room, making sure nothing was going to stab him. Phil sighed. Another nightmare, another bag under his eye. He doesn't know what is causing the nightmares. He's never had traumas or anything serious happen other than his tiny fish Simon dying. If it was Simon's death that oh-so teared him apart this much, he needs to just let go. Phil decided to start his day off, although it was 4 in the morning. He got up in only a shirt and boxers and started off into the kitchen to get coffee and his bowl of Frosted Shreddies. Phil apparently forgot that there was a glass door leading into the kitchen and slammed his whole body into it, nearly breaking it to shreds. "OW, YOU MOTHERFU-"Phil stopped himself right there and then. One reason was that Dan was in a deep sleep and he did not want to wake him, and second would be the fact that he never swears and he likes to keep it that way. Phil glared at the door and stood up, although most of his body did ache from the body slam. "Alright. Second try." Phil whispered to the door. He successfully opened the door and silently closed it behind him, while grabbing the lights. While whistling and making his cereal, Phil hears a creak,and because Phil is paranoid of monsters, he quickly, without thought, grabs a knife from the knife stand and immediately turns around. 'GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Phil screamed, without realizing who was at the door. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST PHIL CALM DOWN!" Phil knew that voice. The voice that has been engraved into his mind since 2009. This voice belongs to Daniel James Howell, roommate, age 24, active Attack on Titan fanboy, deathly terrified of trees and moths. The Daniel James Howell. Phil opened his eyes, which he didn't understand when and why they were closed in the first place. "Hello." Dan said cheerfully, while walking towards to the fridge and opening it. Phil just stared at Dan in awe. How dare he just sneak up on him, not apologize, AND be so freaking nice about it?! "Dan." Phil started. "It's fine Phil, don't apologize about screaming. It's okay." Dan said while chuckling. "I wasn't going to apologize. You were the one who scared me!" Phil argued. Phil realized he still had the knife in his hand and quickly put it back, afraid that due to his clumsiness he would drop it onto his foot or something. "You know you're a twat right?" Phil says to Dan. Dan ignores him, but Phil can see his body shake from laughing. "At least I don't run into the door at 4 in the morning." Dan says while laughing. "Oh shut up, you've done it before. You hit it so hard you started to bleed Dan." Phil says. Dan contemplates what Phil says, but not to soon after shrugs it off and starts off to make pancakes. "Dan, no." Phil says while taking away the ingredients. "Phillip Michael Lester, do you not know what miraculous day this is? It is Queen Delia Smith's birthday, and this is a celebration we must attend to. Pancakes are sacred and traditional to be made on Her Majesty's birthday. Is that understood?" Phil simply nodded and attended to his cereal, which he wasn't really hungry for anymore, since he was actually craving pancakes. Phil decided that he shouldn't waste the cereal and just eat it very fast...

And in record time, Phil finishes a whole bowl of cereal in 4 minutes and 37 seconds. Phil slouches and for a millisecond very much regrets his decision, but that thought was pressed away as a picture perfect, golden, soft, shiny and unburned pancake is plopped in front of him with the perfect amount of lemon and powdered sugar on it. "Dann you know every way into my heart." Phil exclaims as he stuffs his face full of pancake. "I made it perfect for a perfect person." Dan whispers to himself. "What'd you say, Dan? I couldn't hear you over the cries of the pancake being devoured into my mouth." Phil laughs at his joke and Dan lets out a small chuckle. He didn't hear you. He didn't hear you. Thank God. Dan thought. Dan snuck a peek at Phil who was staring directly at him back. Dan was trying to look away but those beautiful bright blue eyes where he could just swim and drown in and not even care took him into a paradise island. "Dan?" Phil calls for his attention, but his response is still a stare. Phil crumbles a nearby paper and throws it at Dan's face. Dan suddenly comes back to life. "What the hell, Phil? I'm making food and you're being rude." Dan says with a hand on his hip. "I got my little Danny's attention again! Mission complete!" Phil says happily. "I'm not a little kid Phil." Dan contradicts. "You literally know every song in the High School Musical movies, and you watch Hannah Montana still." Phil says with a playful look on his face. "WHEN I'M UP AT 3 IN THE MORNING WATCHING TV, HANNAH MONTANA IS THE ONLY THING ON. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO JUDGE ME, MR. IF-I-WAS-A-TOILET-I'D-FANCY-SARAH-MICHELLE-GELLAR-SIT-ON-ME." Dan yells. Phil bursts out laughing, and while laughing way too hard, he ends up falling off his seat and hitting the floor with a crash. "Phiiiiillll, you bloody twat." Dan says while shaking his head. Phil ended up dropping his plate onto the floor and breaking into two. Dan picked up one of the pieces and saw that the corner had a red substance on it, and putting two and two together, he looks over at Phil who pricked his finger on the broken plate. Dan kneeled to Phil and stared at him. "Hey Dan." Phil says while lowering his chuckles. Phil picks up the other half of the broken plate and holds it up to the piece Dan is holding. "It's fixed." Phil whispers, while slowly closing his eyes.

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