Chapter 2

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Dan started to panic immediately after Phil closed his eyes. He put his finger under Phil's nose, checking if he was still breathing, which he was. "Thank god." Dan said with his voice quivering. Dan couldn't just leave Phil on the floor so he started picking him up in his arms and carrying him off to Phil's room. "Oh, Hanako*. Why are you stressing yourself?" Dan whispered to the sleepy Phil in his arms. Dan managed to get to Phil's room and open the door. As he was about to pull the duvet away to put Phil into bed, Phil suddenly latched onto Dan's neck. "Stuy wihth me.." Phil said, slightly slurring his words out of exhaustion. Dan would of felt bad if he didn't stay, so as a friend he stayed. Just as a friend Dan. He doesn't mean nothing more than just lying with him. Dan thought. Dan put Phil into bed while crawling into it himself. He was met with warm arms grasping his body, as if holding onto it for dear life. Dan stared at Phil. Both in awe and love. He was awed because this is the most affection the pair have had in their years of friendship. He was looking at him with love because his secret he has kept to only himself is able to show itself this one special time. Before realizing it, Dan fell asleep in Phil's arms.


Phil woke up startled. He was hit with a jolt of pain in his side and he had no idea why. The bed felt strangely empty to him as if someone was supposed to be there but, there wasn't. I hate these nightmares, Phil thought. He hasn't been able to stop them for the longest time and no amount of therapy or medicine could help him. So, he was forced to deal with it. Phil started to get up when he noticed a note on his nightstand;

I decided to have a nice fresh breather for once and have left for a walk in the city, I'll be back to bring home dinner,

Phil reread the note for probably the fifth time. He didn't want to be alone. After the nightmare he became paranoid again and couldn't stand to be home alone. Phil debated whether or not to stay in bed, but decided against it and wanted to do some stuff around the house to get his mind off of bad things. Cleaning, yeah cleaning. That needs to be done today. Phil remembered. He decided to start cleaning the kitchen. He washed dishes, cleaned off the countertops, rearranged the mess of pots and pans. He made everything so perfect since he has to have everything perfect. The same color of pans have to go to a certain spot and the fridge has to be arranged by types of food. Dairy, vegetables, fruits, etc. The only person that messes his order up is the maknae* that lives with him. After finishing the kitchen, Phil started onto the living room. He had a sudden burst of adrenaline and started to run around and rush. Half of it wasn't even proper. He decided he'd be the nice, older housemaid and clean Dan's room as well. He walked in and was greeted with a nice smell of vanilla from the air freshener he had placed on top of his dresser. The vanilla sets a tone for the type of room Dan has. It wouldn't come from someone so young, but so old. He has a beautiful piano, very solid, dark wood for a dresser and very nice art on the wall. On the other hand, he has a chair with a butt on it, which is very classic Dan. Phil looked around the room. He saw the plushies of him and Phil together. He saw the drawing of Justin Bieber and Dan, which Phil laughed at. He saw his Kayne art which is his biggest prized possession. He also saw a box that intrigued him. It was a dark, soft wood with tiny chiseled features on top of it in swirly designs and looking at it, it was basically calling his name, screaming into his ears, "Open me. Please!! Open me!" Phil also listened to that voice, even though he told himself, No, you have to respect his privacy.

It seems as though luck was not on Phil's side and right while walking towards the box, He heard the front door slam close and heard the familiar voice of his friend. "I'M HOME AND I BROUGHT CHINESE!" Phil heard Dan scream through the apartment. "OOO CHINESE!" Phil exclaimed and was immediately distracted from the fact he was able to have rice. Phil walked right out of Dan's room where Dan was walking into his room. "OH SHI- HI PHIL!" Dan yelled in surprise. "Sorry Dan. I, uh, went in to borrow your tripod. Mine wasn't working properly or something." Phil said sheepishly. "Oh! That's okay haha. Borrow it whenever Philly. But let's not talk about work, let us eat our foooood." Dan says hungrily. Phil nodded his head and smiled, while starting out the door, he took one more look at the box. I want to know what's in it. Phil stated in his mind. Phil thought, and couldn't deny, it was a very beautiful box that belonged to Dan. If he wanted to share it with him, he would of told him about it. Phil pondered for a moment and decided he would ask Dan about the wooden box. "Hey, Dan?" Phil started, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah Phil?" Dan answered while rummaging through the bags of food. "While I was uh, in your room. I saw a box on top of the dresser. What is it?" Phil asked sheepishly. Dan looked up at him and stared into his eyes. His expression was neither confused or angry, sad or happy. He just stared like he had the other day. "I don't want to get into that right now. Can we just eat?" Dan said quietly. "Yeah uh, yeah we can." Phil said, incredibly embarrassed. "It's fine. I'm just, I'll be right back." Dan says in a hurry. He basically runs out of the room and Phil hears a door slam shut. What is his problem? Phil thought angrily. He was determined, to find out.

*Hanako - Blossom child in Japanese

*Maknae- Youngest of group/family/friends etc, in Korean.

(I want to add in these cultural essences because irl Dan and Phil love the Asian culture and it fits into the story and makes it cute)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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