It had been a few weeks since the accident, but the memory in the girl's mind was as vivid as if it had happened mere seconds ago. Nari lowered her head, closing her eyes as a tear trickled down her cheek. This was a mistake, though. The second her vision was closed into darkness, that void morphed into a horrific flashback. Multiple flashbacks, really.
It was dark out, storming. The beating of a helicopter screamed around her and Nari's panicked eyes landed upon the unconscious form of Peter, bound and chained to the floor beside her. Nari tried to struggle but it was no use. Shortly after they gaged her and tied a bandanna around her eyes. She could feel herself being dragged across the ground, kicking and screaming. She could hear a terrified Peter yelling after her, trying to tell her that it was alright, that they would make it out of this. His voice was cut off by the sealing of a thick steel door. Metallic bands locked around her wrists and ankles, holding her head back. She knew where she was before they even took the blindfold off, and the sudden blinding pain that raced through her mind only assured her of the fact. She could feel her memories being stripped from her, blocked out from the intense agony, until all that was left was a hollow shell void of emotion. The perfect weapon.
Nari's body jerked as she ripped her conscious from the flashback, a brief glance of Harry's bloodied corpse imprinted onto her vision. More tears sprang to the goddess's eyes, and she shakily stood to her feet, stumbling to put on a change of clothes and a hat that would somewhat hide her eyes. She then stepped outside and made her way to the hospital, digging her phone from her pocket, frowning as she clicked one of the speed-dial numbers and held it up to her ear as she walked through the busy streets of New York.
There was a pause on the other end, a sigh, and then a reluctant answer. "Nari, why– No. I can't be seen or heard around you. I can't risk having my life torn away from me again."
"No! Jack, don't hang up, please. Just... You know that it wasn't my fault, right?"
"I know you wouldn't intentionally hurt Harry."
There was a click as the other end went dead. Tears once again welled up at Nari's eyes as she stared at her phone, frozen in shock. Intentionally hurt Harry. He hadn't given her a straight answer, which meant he believed she had caused the accident. The goddess painfully stuffed the phone back into it's pocket as she made her way to the hospital and pulled and illusion over herself, making herself to appear as one of Harry's friends. She checked in and went to his room, taking her seat by the hospital bed where she sat vigil and watched over him, examining every inch of his body, which wasn't much to see, considering most of it was covered by a hospital gown and bandages. She rested her head in her hands and cast her gaze to his battered facials, letting her mind slip into his thoughts.
"Harry?" Nari walked through the dark void with confusion until it suddenly changed into a white, padded cell. She tried to spin around at the sound of footsteps, but wasn't fast enough, as she felt a large figure slam into her back. A man.
"Who the hell are you," Harry spat.
"It's me, Har," the girl whispered, cringing as she felt her arm be twisted behind her back. "Harry, please! It... You're in a coma. We ran into a semi and flew off the road. I–I'm wanted. People think that I had done the accident on purpose. They said I wanted to kill you to get to your money..."
All she heard was silence, and eventually the weight was lifted off from her back. Nari rolled over to see Harry sitting on his heels, looking down at the ground with a lost expression.
"I'm in a... Coma..?"
"Yes, Har, you are. I'm so sorry..." Nari sat up and brought her husband close in a tight hug, burying her face against his shoulder.

mind controlled
FanfictionA Marvel Cinematic Universe fanfiction. Nari is my own personal character. She is the daughter of Loki and Sigyn, and wields the tesseract power. She was also taught magic by her father.