ShortTermRoomMate **ON HOLD**

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HEY GUYSSSSS :3! So this is surprisingly less shitty then i thought it was going to be so i hope you like it. It is kinda sadstuck and this is part one soooo yeah!!


Karkat had been depressed for months.

And Sollux knew it.

There was also nothing as far as anyone knew that would perhaps help.

And Sollux very well knew that too.

--[TA] twinArmageddons began pestering [CG] carcinoGeneticst at 24:18--

TA: 2eriiou2ly kk what2 up wiith you?


TA: iim comiing over.


--[TA] twinArmageddons ceased pestering [CG] CarcinoGeneticst at 24:21--

Karkat swivled in his computer chair and wraped himself tighter in his balnket.

"Goddamn it Captor..." He wiped away pastel red tears from his cheeks and had to hope they weren't blotchy. He sniffled and sat in wait.

To the tune of perhaps an hour there was a rhythmic knock at the door. Karkat had fallen asleep at his computer desk, and had to wipe the sleep from his eyes and try to look composed. He swung the door open, attempting to look angry, but he was not in the mood.

"I told you not to come." He wasnt about to yell, it was too late, and he was--again--not in the mood. He instead furrowed his brow, he figured he would look pissed off enough with just that.

"Yeah, I know."

Sol had a sly smile on his face, and Karkat hated how he looked so cocky.

"You've got to be lonely, without Kankri around, or Gam."

Karkat let his head fall, holding tightly to the blanket he was stilled bundled in.

He had been terribly lonely. When Kankri left to run away to 'pailing land' with Cronus, Karkat blabbed on and on about it to Gamzee, who agreed to stay over so he wasnt so, "MoThErFuCkIn lOnElY AnD WhAt nOt." But only a couple months into him staying, he had gotten into bar fights. Not that that was really anything new. This was his third in a month, and apparently someone called the cops when he broke a bottle and threatened some prick who was making fun of his friend Tavros.

Karkat gave a slight nod, biting his lip at hiz sudden softness.

"Then Ill stay with you. Kurloz agreed to babysitting Mituna untill I get back."

The two had found themselves on the couch, keeping their distance. While solluxs' stuff was in a messy heap right next to them.

The smaller troll gave the taller, more lanky one a blank look, trying to think of what to say that wouldn't sound too asshole-ish.

"You dont have to, im fine on my-"

"No, you're not," Sollux interjected. "You're depressed Karkat. Alot has happened and I get it." He had put a comforting hand on Karkats leg, the red-blood would have prefered his hand on his arm, but he was too lazy to unwrap himself from his little 'safety' blanket, as he sometimes called it.

"If I told you things would get better i'd be lying. I dont know what will happen, but neither do you. So for both your sake and mine, all we can do is hope for the best. Okay?"

Karkat noticed how Sollux's lisp caught every 's' as he spoke, and how it sometimes slurred his speach.

He kept his head down, even though he could tell the yellow-blood was trying desperately to get him to make eye contact.

Karkat felt his throat struggle to squeek out a barely audible "Okay," in return. Then he kept silent, he could feel the stress and heavy weight of sadness begin to weigh down on his chest. Making it hard to breathe.

"Good." Sollux leaned in and kissed the side of karkats head, ruffleing his hair slightly. The Cancer unwrapped his blanket and tangled it around the two of them, nuzzling into his friends chest. Taking some of his Gemini labled shirt in a tight balled fist.


It was too late, his emotions over flowed and were pouring out like a terrible rain storm. His eyes welled up and the same pastel red tears as before flowed steadily down his cheeks.

The taller of the two shushed the smaller, droneing versions of "Its all right." Over and over again softly in his ear.

Kankri had never been this loving twards Karkat. He had been the type to say "Do you have homework, and if so, do it right away." Before even asking him how his day was, or if he was having trouble in class.

It wasnt that he needed someone to mother him. It just felt confronting to have someone to reassure him that things were going to be okay no matter how fucked up shit was.

Karkats tears began to dry and he found himself unable to sob anymore. He tried to compose himself, he had just cryed on his friends chest and kind of felt like he had opened up somehow- which was something he wasnt know to do, and would rather not have someone spread the word that hes secretly an emotional train wreck.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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