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I stand in the doorway of the room that had been my comfort for the past few months.  The room that everyone else in the house had despised for reasons unknown to me.  There was no door, only a frame.  To the immediate left, instead of a wall, there was a long pane of glass so that you could peer in from the outside and vice versa.  A long desk sat against the right wall, adorning an old fashioned lamp, filing cabinets, and boxes filled with old records.  As were the desk drawers and the small bookshelf that stood just inside of the room, to the right.  I couldn't begin to understand how or why the previous owner had managed to collect so much vinyl, and why they would leave behind such a collection.  Or why they hadn't updated the antique turn table for a more modern one.  It sat on a small round marble table by itself, it was a deep red, and adorned with an almost flower-shaped attachment to amplify the sound.  The record needle set to the side as there was nothing playing. 

I had loved this room when we first moved in; it was the only thing in the house that really held my interest, though when I first discovered it, the entire room seemed to be coated in a thick layer of dust. I had an obsession with music, so it made sense to me that I would like spending time in a room that was practically a museum for the topic.  But now, after the things that had been happening, I had to wonder if there was some other reason that I was so drawn to the record room.  Some darker reason.  By this point I was sure the room was more than just an archive of classic sound; something had happened here, and there was a reason that I was singled out.  I just didn't know what yet.  Why was everyone else oblivious to what was happening, yet they were the only ones getting hurt?  None of it made sense.  None of it seemed real.  Perhaps it wasn't, maybe I'm losing it after all. 


Hey guys! Paige here, Hannah and I are really excited to write this story, and we hope you're excited to read it.  It may be difficult to get updates out regularly because in order to collaborate properly we have to stay on skype throughout writing sessions.  The long distance thing can be difficult, but we're dedicated so we will try our best to keep a schedule.  So stay tuned and make sure to add the story so you'll be notified for when we write more.  Thanks!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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