Part 1: Discovery

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OC- Avner POV

I looked over the council,  pausing over each member present or hologram. I relaxed, my eyes locking on Master Yoda, occasionally glaring at Mace Windu for dragging me away from the glory of battle and to this overpopulated planet.

"You seem to have plenty of interest in me." I grumbled "I said I wanted to lead troops into battle, and you drag me here like some disobedient child." I added, my hand slowly moving towards the holocron I had received from my father when he returned from an outer rim hunt. 

"Curious we are, hear we did about the holocron."  Yoda replied. My hand clutched the small cube possessively as he looked at Mace, whose scowl didn't even twitch through the whole session.

"We would like to see the contents of it." He said, the underlying command made me flinch, but if I want to lead their troops, I need to take their orders.  I thought with a sigh. I held out my hand and levitated the holocron slightly forward, using the force to open it as it touched the ground. Then, as it had the hundreds of times before, a holographic figure sprung into the air. A mandolorian mask covered his face and his robed billowed around him for a second as they settled against his body.

"Masters of the Jedi council, I am Revan. I was able to imprint my consciousness, along with my knowledge of the force, into this holoron with the help of my wife Bastila Shan, whose father accomplished the same feet." I smiled as the members murmured to each other, I bowed to my master and looked at the circle of Jedi, only catching a glimpse of the members before speaking.

" I was trained by this.... piece of Master Revan since I was four, My father had brought it for me from the Outer Rim." I explained, recalling how I had opened it on instinct. "I am quite familiar with the Jedi Code. There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force." I recited. Revan's hologram nodded in silence, patiently waiting for someone to address him.

"telling us were you hidden, you would not mind?" Yoda said, looking at Revan. Revan Chuckled for a few moments.

"I was placed in the ruins of the Jedi temple on Dantooine." My master replied, holding an image of the ruins just above his outstreached hand. "We returned there when I felt that Avner was ready to make his lightsaber." He nodded back towards me as I grabbed my plasma blade and ignited it, the flat, silver blade was similar to my broadsword, and I made sure that the cross-guard was made from Critosis, one of the few metals able to withstand a lightsaber's super-heated blade. Mace glared at my lightsaber's blade. I glared back, not even blinking.

"Impressive," Plo Koon said, nodding to my weapon, which I deactivated  and placed on my belt. "How did you manage to find a crystal without our notice?" I shifted uncomfortably, shaking my head.

"There's a cave on Dantooine that they grow naturally in, but the cave is also a kinrath nest, I have a nasty scar on my shoulder to prove that." I replied, rolling the said shoulder, and shifting my weight again.

"Wish to help us you do, yes?" Yoda asked, leaning forward slightly. I nodded, I didn't need another master, Revan was hard enough on me, and he was just a hologram, I shuddered to think of what I would be going through if he were flesh and blood.

"He may not need a master, but I suppose a supervisor of sorts would be useful." Revan said, scanning over the council members from behind his mask. I let my shoulders slump, even though he agreed with my disposition with my assignment to a master, he still was trying to make things more difficult than they already were. A long eerie silence passed before anyone spoke again.

"Send you to Christophsis we will. Help Master Kenobi you can." Yoda said, smiling. I bowed, and turned to leave, my master quite literally in my pocket. I walked through the hallways for a little while, before I was stopped by Mace Windu.

"If you make one wrong move, I'll personally see to it that you are brought to justice." he growled. I nodded and continued on my way. honestly, what was his problem? I may be a mandolorian, but I never had seen a jedi, until I was captured by clones and dragged to Ki-Adi-Mundi.  I continued to vent my frustrations quietly to myself as I retrieved my belongings from a locker in the medical wing. I, not to my surprise, bumped into someone, A young Togruta, not a year younger than me by the looks of it, sat on the ground. She was commenting on my vision, or rather apparent lack of vision.

"Sorry, I should've been watching were I was going." I said, pulling her to her feet. "and to tell the truth. I'm a bit lost.." I said, looking down. I didn't want to admit it, but i really had no idea were I was going. "I need a shuttle to Christophsis, council wants me to help end the conflict there." I looked back up, her attitude had taken a 180, I could feel the excitement rolling off her in waves, and I wasn't even trying to read her with the force.

"No way! I'm on my way there right now!" she laughed, I looked at her for a few moments and shook my head.

" I was going the completely wrong direction, wasn't I?" I asked, she nodded. "Well, lead the way." I said, stepping aside to let her pass, then following her. It took about an hour, but we finally made it to a docking bay filled with clones and worker scurrying about. A pilot waved us over and I waled up to him, I shifted my bag's weight to my other shoulder, I couldn't wait to get my armor back on, I almost felt naked without it on. I boarded without a word, and was quite surprised to find the girl sitting next to me. "Your'e coming with?" I asked, crossing my arms. I didn't know how much longer I could tolerate her. 

"I'm going to be Master Skywalker's padawan." she said cheerfully, but I could tell she was nervous, and she had every right to be, I had seen Anakin Skywalker take a whole squad of battle droids by himself. Those are pretty big shoes to fill.

"At least you get someone looking over your shoulder every other minute." I grumbled as the engines roared and we flew off to meet a cruiser that would punch through the Separatist's blockade. "I think we got off on the wrong foot." I said as we left for the living quarters. 

"You can say that again." she replied. I stopped, and held out my hand.

"Name's Avner, what's yours?"

" Ahsoka Tano." she replied happily. we shook hands and I ducked into a room before she could say another word. 

We broke through the blockade sooner than I had thought, I had barely changed back into my Mandolorian armor, black with red highlights, when a trooper asked me to follow him. I complied and soon I was strapped into a shuttle heading for the surface. 

"Well, this will all be over shortly, I hope." I said to myself. Ahsoka nodded and looked out the window. "Hey, I'm sure you'll get along fine with your master, all you have to do is try." I added, spinning one of my blaster pistols into its holster.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Ahsoka replied, I shook my head, of course she would say that, it was drilled into my head as soon as Revan was able to. 

"Just give it your best." I snapped, and I could almost hear Revan scolding me, Emotion, yet peace.

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