Part 3: City life

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About a week later, I had found myself looking out over the city lights of Coruscant, my newest job was to retrieve a expensive piece of jewelry that was picked off some rich senator who didn't have the sense to secure things like that.

"Query: are the peace keeping forces on this planet insufficient to find a common pickpocket, master?" HK-47, an old assassin droid that was made by Master Revan, said, looking through his own sniper scope.

"To be fair, Master Yoda thought I'd find something more interesting than the stolen item." I replied, leaning onto the wall of the building behind us. I lifted my rifle back up to examine the bustling city streets more closely. I found what I was looking for, a shifty Trandosian was leaning next to a cantina door. "Hold up here, I'll signal if I need help." I said, using the force to leap across the gap and land on the walkway.

"Ah, you must be my contact." the Trandosian hissed, I nodded quickly and held out my hand, the light  of the hologram of the necklace.

"I'm looking for this, I don't suppose you have anything." I replied.

"I see," He replied, rubbing his thumb against is pointer finger. "and what's it worth to ya?" 

"Well, I have a hundred credits, plus not having a blaster bolt through your head." I remarked calmly.

"A hundred credits isn't half that things worth." The trandosian said back. 

"And what, pray tell, would a trandosian, use that trinket for?" I asked, "What makes this so special?" I pushed the reptile into the wall to the left of us and drew my vibroknife from my belt. "And on a similar note, you scale skins don't peddle information." I lifted the blade to his  throat. I kneed him in the stomach and let him drop to the ground, gasping for air. "Well?" I asked, twirling the knife.

"You can't be serious." he growled.

"Oh, I am." I replied, lifting a data disk that I had grabbed as my new acquaintance dropped to his knees. I placed it on my belt, and I waved my hand, walking away. "I have what I came for." I said, turning to leave and sheathing my vibroknife. I ignited my rocket pack, launching myself back up to HK-47. 

"Pleading Query: Oh please may we terminate the worthless meat-bag?" He asked as I landed next to him. 

"Why waste the ammunition?" I asked, "I know you want to, but we can't simply kill someone for being a minor annoyance." I continued. "And honestly, if I had wanted him dead, wouldn't I have killed him myself?"

"Irritated statement: I suppose you are correct, master." He replied, moving his rifle over his shoulder and holstering it on his back. I looked over the contents of the datadisk, a list of locations, safehouses If I guessed correctly. "Looks like we get to do some raiding." I said, looking back to my mechanical companion. "Get the ship ready, I'll scout out the closest one on foot." I said, before leaping back down into the busy streets below.  Most people just moved to the side to let me pass, A product of wearing my armor in public, it seemed, and a part of me enjoyed it, but as I walked into a side alleyway, a few men, for whatever reason, decided that they could take a mandolorian in full armor. Well, it will definitely be at least a good warm up for the next round of scouting.

"Five of us, one of you." One bragged, pointing a blaster at me.

"Well, you are right, this isn't fair." I said, pulling the vibrosword from my back. "You need more men." I twirled my blade into a ready position. One of the men lowered his weapon and walked away. I nodded back at the man, reaching out with the force, "Your freind has the right idea," I said, pressing into their minds. "Go back home." 

"Eh, he's not worth it." One said, doing what the other did.

"The hell?" another said, raising his blaster.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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