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Once we got back to the house, I went up stairs to shower and change. I threw on my flannel pajama pants and a grey tank top. I didn't bother with my hair so I left it alone.

I walked down the stairs to see Devin and Dax talking about something in the living room. When I went in  Devin shushed Dax.

"Hey JB, what's up?" Asked Devin quickly, making it obvious that he was hiding something.

"Dont hey me, what were you talking about before you shushed Dax?" I said, "and don't lie because you suck at it." I said. Dax laughed and Devin turned red.

He didn't say anything for a while until Dax said, "Dude, just tell her, it's not like she going to go run and tell."

Devin looked from Dax to me and threw his head back. "FINE. Today during orientation, I spotted this girl, and I think she might be my mate."

I was shocked. Everyone knows that you can tell if someone is your mate by kissing them. Plus you have to be 19, but I've heard of some cases that kid that  were younger found their mates because they were more mature. And Devin is pretty mature for his age.

"Well did you kiss her?" I asked.

"What? No! I can't just waltz right up to her and kiss her 'oh excuse me miss I think your my mate, let me kiss you.' She'll think I'm crazy, and what if she isn't?"

"Then she isnt, and your mate is still out there waiting for you." Dax answered. I nodded.

"I don't know what to do" Devin said falling back on to floor.

"Well maybe you should try to be her friend first, get to know more about her before you kiss her." I said.

"Yeah, this way you can see if your attracted to her personality more than her looks." Dax added.

Devin nodded and got up, heading towards the stairs. "I'm going to go to my room to think more about this, but thanks for the advice guys."

Once be was gone it was just me and Dax. We were both sitting on the same couch facing the tv. We were watching Law and Order:SVU. It's my favorite show. After a few minutes of watching the show in silence I looked over to Dax to see him staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What were you doing with that guy in the woods? He asked squinting my eyes at me.

"Well, I shifted back to human form and had no clothes ,so I snagged his." I said turning back to the TV.

"He saw you naked?" Dax growled sitting up.

"NO! I took them when he wasn't looking. Jesus Dax calm down." I said looking him in the eye.

"Oh." He said laying back down. "Keep him arms length away, there something about that guy."

I rolled my eyes. What is up with him acting so defensive lately?


It was 8:30, and my eyes were getting really heavy. I must've fell asleep because I woke at 1:06 to be covered with a blanket. I was still in the living room and the TV was still on. I went to get up when my toe hit someone. I looked over to see Dax sleeping. I put the blanket over him and went to my room. I set my alarm, and brushed my teeth then went bed.


I woke up to the smell of bacon. I love bacon, it's my favorite food in the entire world. I went down stairs to see a whole plate of bacon.

"Morning sunshine, I made you bacon for you first day" winked Dax.

I giggled. "Thanks Dad." He handed me a fork but there was no used to it, I dug right in eating the strips with my fingers.

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