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Fast Forward to the wedding reception.
Dax and I just finished the first dance, I was crying the whole time, tears of joy.

I couldn't believe we pulled this off, that Sam pulled this off. Everything was perfect. Me and Dax walked over to our seats.

It was the dinner, and there was a lot of food. Vinny offered to cook everything with some help. Hes such a great cook.

My bridesmaids (Sam, Kita and Guiliana) and man (Vinny) were to my right. And my handsome husband was to my left, and next to him were his Groomsmen (Devin, Bo, his younger brother Theo, and his new Beta, James Black. )

James was nothing like Danny, and respected Dax like a beta should. They actually became quite good friends. With Dax and his new pack, leaves Devin as my Beta. I couldn't be more happier, i trust Devin with my life and I know I can count on him to pull through.

I told my pack to not bother me with anything tonight see as how it's my wedding.

Me and Dax aren't going on a honeymoon right away we need to get out packs situated then we can go and have fun.

But then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Devin.

"I know you said not to bother you but there is a man by the name Simon Reign asking to see the Bride and Groom."

My eyes went big. Simon Reign!? My father used to tell me stories about Reign, he was one of the strongest Alpha warriors known to man. Him and my father fought along side each other and he saved my father's life in a battle against rogues. I need to meet this man and thank him. I told Dax and he agreed we see him.

We walked outside to see a man and a guy around my age standing.

We walked up to them. The older man which I'm guessing is Simon.

"Hello Alpha Simon, thank you for coming." I said extending my hand for him to shake.

"No thank you" he bowed "I hope you don't mind, but I brought my son Mario with me."

"No that's fine sir, I'm glad you both made it safely." I replied with a smile.

They smiled then looked at Dax. "You have yourself a good wife there Balkavin. "

"Balkavin? I'm sorry sir but my name is Dax West."

Simone squinted his eyes and tilted his head. "So your not Storms son?"

"No sir, I'm actually Beta Arik West's son"

"So Storm had a girl, making you the alpha?" Asked Mario. He was a cute kid. He had brown hair with blue eyes.

"Yes, my name is Jada Balkavin, and I'm The Alpha."

"Correction, Jada Balkavin-West." Dax added.

I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Well my apologies Alpha Jada, i wasn't aware that you were a female. But to add, I heard you have one of the strongest packs."

"Well thank you."

Then Mario spoke, "Why would the Moon Goddess make you mated with your Beta?"

"Don't doubt your mother's doings. She does things for a reason Mario." Simone growled.

"Wait did you say mother?"

Simone nodded. "I brought Mario here today so he could meet one of his siblings. He is a pure breed just like you Jada."

"Wow, thats incredible. How old are you?" I asked.

"I just turned 20 last month."

I was still in awe. Mario was my brother. If you looked at us long enough then you could see the resemblance between us. We had the same hair color and nose.

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