Chapter 2

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 Hey thar! How are ya'll? Right so Chapter 2! :D I hope you like this chapter. 

Ebon - Over and Out


Chapter 2

Jesse's P.O.V

As Nesta walked over I smiled, "Hey Nesta!" I called walking over, I hugged her only to hear a gagging sound? I shook it off and moved back, she was looking at one of the new twins and he was looking at her. I mean, she is beautiful, sleek black hair, glowing blue eyes, she was perfect, the whole school envied her. But she was searching for the perfect guy. Him possibly.

Shrugging it off, we sat down only to notice one of the twins walking over. I sighed and forced a smile on my face. "Hey." I murmered looking to Nesta I shrugged, "Wanna move?" I asked only to find she was locked in his eyes. I sighed and walked away. "Cya." I hissed walking to Shane. We talked for a while until the bell went.

"Where's Nesta?" He asked before glancing to where the twin now sat in my place, both stairing in eachothers eyes. I growled. Not a normal growl. But an animal growl. Shane looked at me like I had grown another three heads, damn whats up with me? I looked back to them, what I would give to be in the guys place. I huffed walking into the building growling and hissing at anyone wanting to talk to me.

"Whats wrong with you?" Someone snapped, "Damn wierdo," Others hissed, "Shut it," Somebody growled. I ignored them as I walked only to see the twin and Nesta walking with eachother I hissed to myself. Sitting I realised the twin - Axel I overheard was sat next to Funesta, damn what had he done to her? I was snapped out of my daze by Mr. Mister(My-ster) asking me a question, "Jesse!" He growled I looked around hissig under my breath. "Yes?" I asked venom lacing my voice only to anger him further.

"Out!" He growled, obeadiantly standing I walked out smirking. Runing out of the building I growled rushig into the forest I felt my bones breaking, muscles flexing... Screeching in pain I twisted on the ground until I stood on four paws. What was I? Looking over my now deep red body my eyes widened. A wolf? I'm a WereWolf? Freaking out I howled.

Running around the smell of wolves filled my nose. Rushing to the scent I came across a large black wolf and two smaller brown ones. Who are you? And why are you on my land? He growled licking his lips as saliva dripped downI'm Jesse. And I wish to meet your Alpha. How do I know, you ask, my family are wolves they told me before they passed. Now I am one.

You're looking at him. Why do you want to see me?He asked but one glance in my wolfs eyes said it all. Leaping forward I latched onto his back, holding down. He swiftly grabed my leg pulling me down I latched onto his neck biting down, he kept it wrongly vonerable to attack. Ripping his jugular(Windpipe) from its place I smirked. Seeing his eyes glaze over, I heard his heart stop, as his body stopped flailing the alpha was dead. And I won the challenge. I was alpha.

Funesta's P.O.V (N/A;This is from morning)

I smiled as Axel walked over, "Hey!" I called meeting him, we both moved back to the bench sitting down we talked for a while before we move closer togeather. I gave him peck on te cheek, only for him to kiss me back, on the lips. Moving my lips in synic with his, we deepened it, many people were watcing us pulling back we chuckled.

"Nesta. Will you go out with me?" He whispered into my ears. Smiling I nodded kissing him again. Going through the same thing.

"Yes," I whispered between breaks, people were watching, murmuring, gasping. I smiled as we pulled apart to soon only to hear the bell for school starting go. "What've you got?" I asked, he put his arm over my shoulder. I lent into him resting my head on his shoulder.

"Maths, what about you?" He murmered I pecked him on the cheek, before I noticed Jesse stairing at us. I flashed him a smile only to see him look away I sighed, and looked back up to Axel, smilling I looked around spotting the rest of his family.

"Same," We smiled before walking into school we walked to the maths block. Sitting down he took the seat next to me. Through the lesson we were just basicly chatting. "- so, you were adopted by your actual family?" He asked chuckling slightly.

I nodded, "Yup. And it turns out, my actually adopted family were my Aunt and Uncle." I added, looking to Jesse before meeting Axels gaze. We continued to talk, having the same lessons until lunch. Sitting down I introduesed him to Shane, Jesse, Emile, Niki and Noir. I smiled. As we talked for a while, Jesse glairing at us like we were growing another two heads. Damn whats up with him?

"What is it Jesse!" I burst out, only to reseave the whole canteen stairing at us. Annoyed I left for the library. Flicking my hair and hissing. Axel followed me, putting an arm over my shoulder to comfort me.

"Hey, calm down, I need to tell you something. I'm not what you think I am. So don't freak," He murmered.

"Oh, alright," I murmered not expecting much.

"I'm a WereVampyre." He murmered. I froze, looking up at him with a, Seriously? Look. Only to see the seiriousness in his eyes I shuddered.

"Really. A-Am I one?"  I asked rubbing my SunStone anxiously, he shook his head and I let out the breath I was holding only to hold my breath again.

"But you are a Vampyre. Your SunStone stops you from needing blood." He murered.


Cliff-Hanger! I hope you liked it :3

Ebon - Over and Out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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