Chapter:3-luckly I wasnt speaking I was texting.

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The weekend is over. Done. Finished. I have to go back there🔝 my schools Huge. I feel sorry for the new students that come every once in awhile.

5:00am. Is two early.  I like to get to school before anyone. It's that or run into Vanessa. Or the fantastic Four. I know it mean to say that especially when my brothers one of them. But at school. He's a callous bad ass like the rest of them. Even Tyler acts like that.

We don't talk to each other and No one knows Liam and I are related. And that's the way I want to keep it.

Not even Katie knows that I speak to them. Except she knows Liam's my bro.

I get up and have a shower. I put on some black leggings and a blue crop top and put a blue hoodie over it.

I brush my hair and put it in a high pony tail. I add some mascara and eyeliner and a little lip gloss.

And then I go down stairs for breakfast. I walk around the corner to see none other then the Devils son himself.

Connor Hendrix.

And the others.

"Hendrix" I greeted bitterly.
"Lara" he responded in the same tone.

I go up and Nicely greet the others and hug my brother.

I could tell by the look in Tyler's eyes that he was surprised at how normally Connor and I carried on. Like nothing happened.

But the temptation of talking to him about it. Or running up and hugging him and the temptation of bolting out the room faster then the freaking flash. It was hard.

I grab a green apple and start eating.

About one minute later there's a honk outside "Kat's here" I say throwing my half eaten Apple at Connor
💚Connors POV💚
The bitch threw a fucken half eaten Apple at me. Fucked up piece of shit she can be sometimes.
💜 Lara's POV 💜

"Thanks for the fucken Apple you bitch!" He yelled at me.

Liam's gonna slap him for that one. Sucker.

"You welcome Hendrix" I shouted back walking out the door and slipping into Katie's car.

The car ride was silent. Normal she's blabbering about snap she knows I donk give a damn about.

"How's you and Nick" I ask.
"Perfect" she smiled.
"Why so silent then?" I question.
"I'm waiting for you" she answered. I give her a confused look. "To confess something" she adds.

"Sorry Kat I ain't following" what do I have to confess? I tell Kat everything. Everything.
Except knowing the guys. Maybe that's it. Maybe she knows and she's mad cause I didn't tell her.

"About last night" she urged.

"What are you getting at Katie" I sigh. Just tell me woman.

She face palms "do you or do you not like Connor"

"What the hell Katie! I hate Hendrix. If told you before and I will tell you again cause people don't seem to get the hint WE ARE ENEMIES FOR GOD DAMN IT!!" I scream in frustration. How could she think that I like Connor. Connor Hendrix.

"Why do you always address Connor as Hendrix?" She asked hoping it with dial me down a notch.

"Because he's good enough for the name Connor" I answer

"Why so?" She questioned

"Because my favourite YouTuber is named Connor Franta and that Connor is awesome and Hendrix is just not worthy of the name" I answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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