Meeting 1

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Today I had a meeting with a band. Another job opportunity and I was happy that it was with a band that makes me smile. The band was Asking Alexandria.

I looked to my roomate, Elysian, and smiled. I waved goodbye and sighed. I grabbed my stuff and went out the door.

I got into my car and drove off. I had my meetings at the same place every time. I grabbed my things and walked inside. "Miss!" A voice screamed. I turned to the voice. Sam Bettley stood there looking at me frantically. "You, uh, dropped your keys," He held out my keys. "Oh. Uh, thanks," I smiled at him as he handed me them.

"I'm Sam. Do you need help?" He asked. "Yes, please. I'm Rowyn," I said as he took my camera bag.

"What room are you going to, Rowyn?" He asked. "Meeting room C," I pointed. "I'm going to the same meeting... Oh! Wait. You're the girl who might take photos for us on tour!" I nodded as we walked into the room.

He set down the bag at my seat and then sat down at his. "I think you should tour with us. I'm 99% sure you'll get the job," He smiled.

The rest of the boys walked into the room and sat down, as well as their manager and the rest of their crew.

"Hello, Ms. Quinn," their manager spoke. I hated when everyone was this formal.

"Hello. So this is a job offer?" I asked calmly.

"Yes. The boys have seen you've done photos for a band that supported them once. They wanted to know if you'd like to tour with them," He told me.

"I'd love to. But could I like hang out with the boys for a bit before the tour?" I asked, looking at Sam for a bit before looking at the others.

"Boys? Could that be managed?" The manager asked.

"Sure, today works," Ben suggested. The band agreed as the manager nodded.

"So, we'll see you in 3 weeks on tour," their manager nodded. He and the crew walked out and the boys stood up.

"So. Rowyn. Seems innocent," Ben smiled. "I guess," I shrugged.

"So where should we go?" Sam asked. "Let's go eat. Maybe we could get some drinks there?" I suggested to the boys.

"MS. INNOCENT DRINKS?!" Ben shouted. "Maybe she's not innocent Ben. Jesus christ," Denis sighed.

"She looks innocent," Cameron poked me. I shook my head and facepalmed. "Dude, she's standing right there!" James yelled.

I walked out of the room. "Where are we going?" I said to them looking back. "There's a restraunt down the road," Sam told me, catching up. I nodded. "One of you come with me so I know where we're going," I told the boys. "I want to come with Ms. Innocent!" Cameron yelled. I spun on my foot, "Stop calling me that!" I spun back around and tripped.

"Oh shit!" I yelled and prepared to hit the ground before Sam caught me

"Thank you, Sam!" I gasped. "No problem," he helped me up.

"I SHIP IT!" Ben yelled. The rest of the guys cheered.

"Don't mind them," Sam sighed. I nodded, "I won't."

Monophobia - Sam Bettley Where stories live. Discover now