Tour 1 - Day 1

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3 weeks have passed. The boys and I have gotten really close. We hung out whenever is possible.

However, Sam and I are the closest. The guys crashed at my house once after a bar night and I woke up from a nightmare. Sam was up and decided to come calm me down. I also have explained the very dark parts of my life. He tries to help as much as he can. I guess you could even say Sam and I are best friends.

I haven't seen Sam in a week. We've both been busy.

We sat on the bus together staring out the window. "Sam, what's it like?" I asked.

"What's what like?" He tilted his head, obviously confused.

"Having fans. Being able to see them on tour and stuff?" I asked him.

"It's the best thing in the world. You get to meet them every show and sometimes they wait out all day to be the first few people in line. You'll get to see," he smiled.

"Maybe I'll come out with you and photograph you with fans. Then you'll have memories of it," I suggested.

"That would be cool," he nodded.

I looked through the window at the moving bus. Our first date was at Los Angeles, but we had to park the bus by the venue for tonight anyways.

I grabbed my camera and started to take pictures while we drove by. At some point, I had looked over at Sam. He just watched as I took pictures.

I started to sing I won't give in as I took photos.

"You sing really nice,"Sam smiled as I looked at him.

"Thanks, Sammy,"I blushed. I put my camera away and started to edit the pictures I had just taken.

When we got to the venue, fans were already lined up. I looked to Sam. "Come get me for sound check, I'll be with your fans," I told him.

He nodded as I walked out with my pass.

I walked to the front of the line and took pictures of the fans as I walked down. I took pictures of the sign as I walked back to the bus.

(Try to ignore bfmv/wss please in the sign

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(Try to ignore bfmv/wss please in the sign.)
I walked back to the bus just as Sam came out. "Soundcheck?" I asked.

"No. I wanted to see some fans for a little bit, but I was coming to find you," he replied.

"Well, let's go. They'd love to see you," I told him as he smiled.

We both walked to the front of the line.





The fans screamed.

"GUYS! LISTEN!" I yelled.

I told Sam the plan and he nodded.

All the fans quieted down. "Okay! So. I'm the photographer for Asking and I'm here to take photos with Sam and all of you. For now, Sam can only be out here for about 35 minutes and then he has to go to Soundcheck. He'll try to meet as much of you as possible. Just calm down as much as possible. Sound good?" I announced loudly.

The fans agreed, so we started with the first fans. I took some photos, but as Sam took some time with the fans, I texted the band to tell them that the fans really wanted to see them all.

I took more pictures before getting a text from ben that him and Denis were coming outside. I said bye to Sam and went to take pictures of the other 2 with fans.

Before I knew it, Soundcheck had come along. I took pictures of the guys at Soundcheck, which they were having fun with.

The meet & greet was next, so I took pictures of the guys with fans.

The show was my absolute favorite part. The guys always seemed to keep moving, it was amazing. If you ever wanted to see the guys happy, here was the place they seemed happiest, except for when they were meeting fans.

I smiled at Sam when he looked at me. Sam makes me happy and I don't know what I'd do without him.

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