Dedicated to: Lilith_Valdis

Anallese knew something was wrong even before she opened her eyes. The air was considerably colder, the ground seemed a little less solid, and then there was the dagger in her stomach. She was confused for a moment, figuring the dagger was some prank conducted by her moronic friend.

"Great," she thought, "My favorite sweater..." Her dark gray sweater hid the 'Dead men tell no tales' and scythe tattoo on either shoulder. Her mother disapproved of them, but Anallese was never one to take opinions from others into consideration.

Finally deciding to sit up, she looked around at the trees and leaves falling from them, hissing under her breath as one wedged itself into her glasses. Taking them off, she pulled the leaf away, cleaning her glasses and putting them back on as she began to stand, her knees nearly buckling beneath her. Regaining her balance, she was soon back face-down in the leaves, an angry growl rising in her throat. She prepared to tell them off with some less-than-favorable curses, turning to see a redhead with rather pointy teeth.

She flopped back in the grass, "Is this the part where I scream and beg for mercy?" They laughed, "Will, we found your twin!" Another man in a black suit, matching the man's on top of Anallese, walked over and stood behind him, "Honestly, Grelle, if we are to ever become full reapers we must bring back unharmed recruits."

The one identified as Grelle laughed, not to the one named Will's amusement. To be completely, truly honest, it sounded to Anallese as if someone were stabbing a cat with very blunt scissors.

To distract herself from the torture of Grelle's laugh, she begam to study the two. The first appeared to be roughly six feet tall, prudeful, anxious to finish whatever he was doing and completely fed up with Grelle. His chocolate brown hair was combed neatly to one side, his arms crossed in an irritated fashion, and his peculiarly bright, almost glowing, green eyes narrowed. If looks could kill, this one would be piercing through Grelle's soul at such a level as to immediately put him six feet under ground.

The other appeared about an inch shorter, his crimson-red hair cut short and messy. He grinned,a sharp pair of teeth that reminded her of a certain monochrome clown. His eyes were the same shade as Will's, but Grelle's held a look that screamed, "Hide your children, hide your wives, he'll be raping everybody!"
Will held out a hand to help Anallese up, and she took it. Once Anallese was back on her feet, Will pushed up his glasses, "And do not call me Will. Ever." Anallese gave him a flat look, Well, then, what do I call you?" Will blinked and stated matter-of-factly, "William T. Spears." Anallese nodded, "Anallese Gray Cravelle." Grelle piped up, "Grelle Sutcliff!" Anallese groaned, "Ugh, there is someone you greatly remind me of..."

After a while, the three began walking, Autumn-turned lsaves drifting down around them as they soon walked into a town. Anallese blinked at the realization that she lived very close to where she was, and couldn't help but asking, "Are you taking me home?" William shook his head, "No, quite the opposite." She nodded and jumped when a woman ran over and grabbed her shoulders, "Child, oh dear me! Are you okay?" Anallese never liked physical contact, and loathed it from srangers especially, and wasn't going to suddenly welcome it. "Yes, I am perfectly fine, thank you!" Anallese snapped, and caused the woman to pull her hands back, "Oh, but child, you're bleeding!" Anallese groaned, "Yes thank you. And guess what? You will be too if you don't leave me alone!" The woman walked away, Anallese sighing, "Alright, Gentlemen, where were we off to?"

They soon arrived at a large library constructed of snowy-white marble, tucked away in an unknown section of London. William and Grelle led her up a large staircase, pushing open the large wooden double-doors leading into the library.

Anallese's jaw dropped at the sight of hundreds of people walking about, dressed in the same suits as Grelle and William, the women wearing pencil skirts instead of slacks. Everybody wore identical pairs of glasses, and Anallese was so mesmerized by it all that William's voice startled her, "This, Miss. Cravelle, is the reaper library."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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