Depression isn't always cutting, I won't die but it won't feel like I'm here the word pain is looking in the mirror with tears streaming down your face knife in your hand drop the knife and fall to your knees as you realized what you were about to do...I wanted to die...when I'm at school I laugh and I have fun everything goes great then there's a hurdle I try to jump it and fail is one hurdle is what brings me to the point where I'm DEPPRESSED again and suddenly it all comes back ....all the nights crying alone and sitting on the bathroom floor wishing it was all over....I pull up my sleeve you see these scars (exactly) becuase the real scars are on my heart....Have you ever had so many thoughts on your mind and you can't make them into words ...wondering how many people acually like you,realizing how lonely you are ...and talking to people although you know your not telling he truth