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"Good job out there today," Coach Williams said. Sweat practically poured out of my helmet as I shook my messy blonde hair free of my helmet. My ears were still ringing from the huge ass crowd we had for our homecoming football game. Of course April Kelly aka my ex fling won homecoming queen. As she received her crown and bouquet I could feel her sharp brown eyes practically pouring into my soul.
I turned to make direct eye contact with her and she just slightly smirked and flipped her brown curls like I was missing out on something. I slightly grimaced as she winked and blew a kiss at me. After the game she came out to the field and pulled me into a hug. I didn't hug back, if anything I stiffened. "Oh you great out there Lukey," her slim arms wrapping around my waist. "Yeah, um thanks April," I covered up with an awkward cough.
She then slowly brought her head to mine and whispered, "Meet me at my place so maybe we can have a little fun," slightly nibbling on my earlobe. Damn girls are confusing. First, she acts like she's over me and the next minute she can't keep her hands off of me. I pushed her off of me and scoffed. "Are you serious?" She looked at me all innocent-like. "Come on babe, just do it for old times sake". I glared at her. "Are you fucking kidding me? You're even more crazy than I thought," as I grabbed my sneakers ready to get away from that slut.
Her nose flared and her whole expression changed. "Whatever Luke. There are plenty of other boys at this school that would love to put their hands on me," she said with a flip of her hair and disgust in her voice. "Glad that's over," I thought. By the time I got to the locker room I was the only one. I quickly put away my shoulder pads and slung my bag over my shoulders. When I walked out there was a group of kids leaning on the brick wall.
Telling by the way they dressed I'm guessing they're the kids who skip school to go shoot up heroine in their mom's basement. I knew one of them. Other than the pale pink hair and septum I knew exactly who it was: Rayvn Gregory. I've known Rayvn since 1st grade and we used to be the best of friends. She was my only friend up until middle school.
Once we hit that stage when puberty kicked in we kind of just went our separate ways. After I snapped out of my daze she broke the silence first. "How's it going Hemmings," as she stomped out her cigarette with her combat boots. "Not bad, you?" "Good." "Cool, cool." As I said my goodbyes something caught my eye. Someone caught my eye.
He he midnight black hair and electrifying green eyes. He had on all black and a snapback with an eyebrow piercing to top it off. "Didn't your mama ever tell you it's not polite to stare?" I snapped back to reality. " yeah s-sorry about that," I mumble scratching the back of my neck. I was a nervous wreck.
I felt extremely intimidated by this strikingly handsome boy. His tattoos made him look even more intimidating. "So what's your name kid," he said eyeing me up and down. "M-my name Luke. Yours?" He then smiled a cheeky grin and said Michael. "Luke, cute name." he said twiddling a toothpick between his teeth.
"Well we should get going," the kid on the right said. He had long (for a guy) brownish hair, with a nose ring . "Um yeah I should get going too," I said. As I got up to leave a voice shouted for behind me. "Seeya around cutie," and those pesky butterflies seem to erupt in my stomach as I looked down at my shoes and bit my lip.

so yeah this is just the start of the book and hopefully it's not as crappy as I think it is. so far I've introduced April, Michael, and Rayvn to the book. they will play a major part in the story but I probably won't add their p.o.v's into the story.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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