Chapter 5

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Bailey's POV

We all headed our way to Gabe's house but before we did, we all went to each other's houses to get our stuff. I got mine and we all headed to Gabe's.

We reached Gabe's house and his house was humongous! It was just.....WOW! Everyone had their jaws dropped imcluding me and Gabe just laughed at our faces

We then went inside and it was beautiful. It was neatly detailed and the furnishings were done well. After that, the squad asked for a tour and Gabe couldn't say no.

S: Your house is really awesome bro! How I wish I was adopted.

Everone laughed at Sean's statement and just rolled our eyes afterwards.

G: So guys, what do you wanna do?

T: We can maybe order some pizza and play truth or dare later on.

Bo: Yeah great idea!

G: Okay then. Tati call the pizza delivery while the boys and I make popcorn. And you girls will be in charge of drinks.

Everyone else: okay..

Later on....

T: Okay guys, we got the pizza, the popcorn, and the drinks set up. Let's play TRUTH OR DARE!

S: Yeah Tati and you don't have to shout too loud.

Everyone else covered their ears.

T: (chuckled) Ooops, sorry...

B: (laughs) that's okay.

G: Enough chit chat. Let's play.

Gabe grabbed a bottle from the kitchen and came back with a coca cola plastic bottle.

We all sat down forming a circle and had our legs crossed. Gabe spinned the bottle and it landed on Sean.

T: Okay Sean. Truth or dare?

S: Uhh.. I don't want to do some stupid acts, so no to dare. But on the other hand, I also don't want to answer some stupid questions.

K: (facepalms) you're serious?

B: (laughs) Sean that's like the whole point.

T: Ugh, just pick one....

S: (pouts) Do I have to?

Everyone except Sean: YES!

S: Alright alright, geez.. Uhmm... Dare! No, truth!

T: Truth it is! Sean, have you ever had a crush on someone? If so, who?

S: Uhh, is it too late to choose dare?

Everyone except Sean: (groans) Sean!....

S: Okay fine. Uhm, yea I did. Once. Her name's Lexee.

G: You mean that hot girl in Gym class?

Sean slapped Gabe.

G: Dude! What was that for? Don't tell me you still like her, do you?

S: No way! You just sound ridiculous that's all. And it's fun slapping you (laughs)

G: Ha ha, very funny.

T: Anyway, on with the game guys!

Kenneth's POV

While the boys were arguing about something really........uhh...I didn't even care what they were talking about.

I had my eyes on Bailey the whole time and I just couldn't help but stare at her- wait what? Again with that Kenneth?

I was then cut off by my thoughts when Tati said to continue playing the game.

Tati spinned the bottle next and it landed on Bailey.

T: Ooohh.. Bailey truth or dare?

B: Dare

T: Wow, someone's confident (laughs)

B: (rolls eyes) whatever. Let's get this over with.

T: Okay okay ms. Sassy pants... hmm.. I dare you to..

Since Tati was taking too long, I got myself a drink and started sipping it.


I choked on my drink and Bailey had her mouth wide open.

B: Oh no, no way am I gonna do that.

K: Yeah me too.

T: Oh c'mon guys. Don't be so KJ..

B: Never in your wildest dreams Tats..

T: Pwease? Just this once.

B: And what's in this for me?

T: Uhhh.... I get to buy you your favorite drink in StarBucks everyday!

B: Hmm... tempting.. Alright fine. But just this once. And no one and I mean NO ONE will be posting it. Because if I see it leaking throughout the internet, I swear I will be haunting you every night before you go to sleep and you will find yourself on your death bed before you even know it.

Didn't see this side of Bailey before and even with the grumpy face on, she still managed to look per- okay Ken, you have got to stop doing this! You will never like Bailey and that's final!

T: S-s-scary but Yey! Okay Ken, I want you to stand next to Bailey.

I confidently stood next to Bailey and I can see it in her eyes that she is getting annoyed by her friends' behaviour. I chuckled lightly and that caught her attention.

B: What are you chuckling at?

K: Nothing. Just wondering why God never gifted you with a perfect face the way the others were.

Bailey glared at me and then said, "FYI, no one has a perfect face. The others only do because of a special thing called 'plastic surgery'. And-"

K: Borriiinnggggg!!!

I started to play with her for a bit and she just rolled her eyes at me and looked straight to the camera. I forgot our friends were still here.

T: okay guys, you done? Now smile!

I did my signature face thingy and Bailey did too. After that, we went far away from each other as much as possible. And we also pretty much ignored each other throughout the whole game...

Bo: (yawns) We should all go to bed guys.

S: (yawns) Yeah, I'm beat...

G: Alright then. I'll just lead you guys to the guest room.

Gabe led us there and it was huge! It had Six beds. Three on both sides.

G: You're lucky they're individual, you could have slept by pairs and we don't want that (chuckles)

K: Gross dude

We all went to our beds and laid down. This was one long day.

T: Night guys!

Everyone else: Night!

Tomorrow is another day....

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Hello there! I am soo sorryy to keep you guys waiting. I was just so busy with school and I have just recently graduated. Well, good news. It is now summer here and I think I can update it if I have time. Thank you so much for your patience, Love you all!

Oh yeah, one more thing. If you have instagram, you probably know me as @baiken4evr and maybe I'll be transferring this story in Instagram as well.

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