First of all I will like to thank everyone who stayed with me throughout this wonderful journey. And of course, still being there when I didn't update for days. So thank you for that.
Though I would like to thank God for letting you wonderful readers to find this book. Luke I remember that when this book got 100 reads. I literally freaked out because someone read my butchered English. I mean I was fourteen then, bow I guess that is a good excuse. I have gotten much better in my writing style though so that's good news. This is my second language so that's an achievement.
Then you readers got me 1.25k reads. I flaunted that in front of my sister because she's gets me really jealous and this thing literally surpassed that my teacher and parents scold me by giving millions of examples of my little sister.
And then this measly story got 2k something reads. Like this story which really is so clichéd and filled with cringey and really rude author notes got this much reads, votes and comments. Like damn.
Then something like a week ago, I saw that this story got achieved a position of 395 in vampire category. It might not be enough for others,but it is for me. This is my first story ever. Like at the age of fourteen I decided that I wanted to write books in my free time and I have been doing it for three years since 2015. Now its 2018 and I still can't believe where this book is going. So I thank you for reading, commenting and voting on this shitty story.
You might have also noticed that this story is going through a very tedious and long rewriting process where I am writing the book again and changing some very essential parts of the story. So new plot, new writing style, new characters as well as many characters Who will be omitted.
This is my very first story, not including the creative writings I have written in class. And thank you. I love you my boos.
Mia out xx
Vampiroperhaps smiling and acting like everything's fine is not the way it's finding out the truth and taking it out [ started ]: 4th may, 2 0 1 5 [ finished ]: 23th august 2 0 1 6 [ rewriting ]: 1st january 2017 - ?????