Chapter Twenty Four~The Battle At The Ministry.

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-Ivy's POV-

It was currently June and we, majority of the DA, were running after Harry after he had just seen a vision of Sirius being tortured by Voldemort. Sweat was dripping down him as he was panicking. "What if he dies? He's the only family I've got left... come on, we've got to get to the ministry... we need to save Sirius." Harry shouted from ahead. We were to travel there by Thestrals. I was extremely surprised I could see them, as they could only be seen by those who have seen death, but perhaps seeing my mother die in my dreams and Cedric, it had given me the ability to do so. I, Harry and Luna helped the others onto the backs of these skeleton-like peguses before we set off into the air.

As soon as we arrived at the ministry, Harry starting to run again so we had to try really hard to catch up with him. Harry led us to the Department of Mysteries, where both I and he had seen my father be attacked by a snake. Harry ran down the corridors past hundreds of prophecies, while we looked for the one he was seeking. While we were searching, Neville found one with his name on. Harry quickly joined us and picked it up. As he did so, we were surrounded. Lucius Malfoy made his way towards us, with Bellatrix Lestrange close beside him. "Where's Sirius? Where have you kept him?" Harry demanded. "You need to learn the difference between what the Dark Lord wants you to see and what is reality Potter, now give me that prophecy." Lucius insisted. Harry looked at us apologetically. Harry shook his head. "Do you want to learn the secret of your scar? It's all in here Potter, everything you want to know, is in here. I will show you." Lucius said. "I've waited fourteen years... but I guess I could wait a little longer... NOW!" Harry shouted before we all shot "Stupefy" in different directions- a battle had begun. I sprinted whilst casting spells in all directions. I got knocked to the ground briefly, the metallic taste of my blood filled my mouth as my nose was broken. I quickly got to my feet and paralysed the death eater who had attacked me. We all regrouped before running away, knocking the prophecies on the floor. We reached a door in which when we went through it, we entered a large room.

I could small whispers coming from the arch in the middle of the room. "Can you hear that?" Luna, Harry and I all asked at the same time as we approached the silvery veil in the arch. Everyone else shook their heads, looking very confused. All of a sudden, a mass of black clouds surrounded us and I felt myself being forced away from the ground. When it was over, I saw that I had been put in a headlock by a death eater on a rock, looking down at Harry by himself with the prophecy whilst Malfoy advanced towards him. "You cannot defeat us. Now, Harry, give me that prophecy or watch your friends die." He threatened. Harry looked at me and I shook my head at him, begging him.not to obey. He handed him the prophecy, which now turned black when suddenly Sirius appeared behind him. "Step away from my godson." He said before punching him square in the face. As Malfoy fell to the ground, the prophecy smashed into pieces. A lot of The Order had now all appeared in the room and a battle had reconciled. The talent seen was incredible. Harry and Sirius both took on Lucius. "Nice one James!" Sirius grinned after Harry disarmed Malfoy. Before he had the chance to correct himself, Bellatrix had struck. Harry's face had dropped as Sirius backed into the silvery veil to his death. The scream that escaped Harry was horrific to hear, it was full of so much pain and hatred. Remus held him back as Bellatrix smiled at him. Harry escaped his grip and ran after her, leaving us to finish off fighting and me fearing for Harry.

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