Chapter 1: A Squad Leader?!

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You are (Y/N) (L/N) a 18 year old soldier, you are called 'Humanity's strongest soldier' due to your number of titan kills that's 49 and assists of 5. You ranked top since you are 15 years old, never wanting to go down on rank you always use your free time training in the grounds.


One peaceful night after dinner Commander Erwin called you to his office, "Ms.(L/N) may I have a word with you in private?" He asks as he keeps his eyes in contact with your (E/C) ones "Yes sir." I replied as I walked behind him, as we arrive at his office he immediately closed the door, "Please have a sit." He said as he gestured me to sit at the chair in front of his table "Yes sir." I said as I sat arms crossed "We have been to so many expeditions and we see your skills improving, so let me go straight to the point. We want you to become a squad leader." He said as he gazed at my sides "Umm... Sir?" I said as I look at the place where the commander is looking at only to be surprised by Hanji tackling me and begging me to say yes, Dita and Mike supporting her by nodding and lecturing me about 'How great it is to be a squad leader' "Let us just give her some time to process everything, after all this happens too sudden for her." Erwin suggested only to be replied by nods of agreement "You are dismissed ms. (Y/N)." He said as the three squad leaders starts to surround him.

'Well I still don't know what happened!, Commander asking me to be a squad leader, Hanji gestures me to say yes, Dita lecturing me, and Mike on their side too... WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD?' I though as I nod and salute them then exit the commander's office "Hi (Y/N)!" Zach said as he saw me before turning to a corridor 'What could possibly happen if I endanger my own squad?! Oh no!' You thought as you start walking towards your room

"Hi (Y/N)!!!" Natalie yelled as she tackled you into a tight hug, "H-hi Nat." You replied as you struggle to get out her grasp "Well, they say Commander Erwin is planning something serious, I don't know what is he planning or why is he planning, but just as you know this plan of his involves three thugs from the underground, I think their names are... Ummm... Isabel, Farlan and ummm... Maybe it's Levi?" She said as she tilted her hard to the side while trying to recognize their names "Isabel, Farlan and Levi huh? Their name sounds familiar..." I said as I put my thumb under my chin "Yeah you're right."

She said as she turned her back on me "I'm going to sleep, tomorrow is a big day for us!" She said as she entered her squad's room reminding me that new members are going to join 'Thats it! maybe they want me to become a squad leader because they will be needing help to train new members!' You thought as you head back to the commander 's office, after knocking three times you heard the commander said "State your name and business." bluntly "It's (Y/N)(L/N) sir., I am her-" you are cut off because the door suddenly opened revealing a tall blonde commander in front of you "So what about it?" He asked as he steps aside allowing you to enter "Sir. it would be an honor to serve the Survey Corps in that particular position, so I am agreeing on being a squad leader and helping humanity even more." I said as I saluted him showing that it is really a great honor to me "Great! That would be a delightful help to humanity, Hanji please show her to her new room." Commander Erwin said as he looked as Hanji

"Of course!" She replied grabbing me and running through the corridors while laughing at the process "You know (Y/N), after you became the humanity 's strongest soldier you never seem to smile like you do when you joined here, it's like you have controlled your emotions into a wrong way." Hanji said slowing the pace "Sorry." Was all I could say, after a turn Hanji suddenly stop making me bump to her "This is your new room (Y/N)." She said as she smiled ear to ear and opened the door to reveal a small room with a table, chairs, couch, cabinets, windows and 2 other doors on either side of it

"Wow, this is a room of a squad leader huh?!" I said as we both walked inside of the room "Of course! Squad leaders are allowed to have privacy they need unlike squads where they share a room." She said as she inspected the drawers of the cabinets "Also, the left door leads to the bedroom." She said as she opened the left door revealing a white painted walls and a simple double size bed with a clean white bed sheet and two pillow with a drawer "And, as of the right leads to a bathroom." She said as she opened the doors revealing a outrageously clean bathroom with a shower and towel rack with matching side sink with cabinet underneath it "That is all, you can get your things at your squad room and let me help you now. You can also talk to me or ask anything, just walk to the next room and knock anytime!" She said as she smiled and get out of my new room

'Wow, just wow, I just wanted to help the, become more organize and stable at humans, and it ended up both sided benefits huh?!' I thought as I stared as the clean room before me "Well, Hanji is right, I should get my things and move it here." you said as you took a hold of the knob of the door behind you, then surprised by a force that opened your door as I land on my butt "Hello (Y/N)." I looked up to saw my best friend and my partner in crime...

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