Nightmare Lives On

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It was 2:00 am. I had that dream again.... Me lying in a pool of someone's blood. I have seen this girl several times in my dreams. Every time I wake up from having that dream I always bleed threw my nose and tears. I lived alone alone with my brother in our apartment. Our parents died a few years ago. It seemed to the cops that they killed themselves because they couldn't find any clues that it was a murder. My brother is 26 and I'm 16 he has been taking care ever since the death. He got a job at Burger King trying to provide for us and trying to pay the bills.

" Did you have that dream again Thamara?" My brother asked while I was rinsing my blood in the bathroom sink.

"Yeah but this time it was different... Rodney I'm scared" I said to him while I bursted into blood tears.

"Please stop crying your tearing blood again... For now on lets just keep this between us because I don't want any lab experiments on my little sister. Just take an aspirin and go back to sleep okay." He said with a worried face.

So I did what I was told and went back to sleep. I woke up again around 7:00 am preparing breakfast for us. I made him waffles, bacon, scrabbled eggs, and made juice. He wasn't a coffee kind of guy he hated the smell.

"Good morning you feel better now?" He said with his deep morning voice that was very similar to batman's voice.

" Yeah I just got a little mind grain no biggie." I responded to him with a exhausted voice.

" Hurry up with your breakfast your going to be late for school." He said in his dark vader voice.

So I finished my breakfast and was in the shower. While I was washing my hair I saw blood dripping again but this time it was from my ears. I heard a load scrick. It sounded like teachers nails on calk baords. I fell down to the floor hopin the noise would stop, but it just keeps getting louder. After three full minutes of torture the noise finally stopped.

I stupidly avoided the noise and finished my shower. I got ready for school wear my favorite outfit. White blouse, blue skinney jeans, red Toms, ans a satchel for my girly needs, After thrirty minutes of fixing my gold repuzel hair I walked to school. While I was walking I saw a strange man following me. It was oldly paculiar. I turn to a short cut just to make sure that he was following. Then he turned the short cut to. This man was diffenatly following me! I panicted so I ran to school hoping that he wouldnt catch up.

Then he ran right behind me! That man looked really familiar. I saw him in my dreams once. He tried to kill me as a baby but my mom wouldnt let him. I dont know I always end up seeing people in my dreams in real life., but ony a glypses of them. But this guy was different he followed me liked I did something to him. Well when I finaly got to school I thought I was safe. I was for now. I saw my boyfriend  in the hallway and told him what happended. He kissed me and said " Everything will be alright don't worry. I will protect you." I love him so much. With his bright blue eyes and is shiney curly hair and his colgate smile. He was perfect.

So he walked me to my next class making me foget about my morning. First period was long. It was social studies and apperently it wasnt very social at all. We were learning about Americas constitution. I nearly fell asleep. i leaned my head against the windows. Then I saw that man again he was standing by a tree outside just staring at me like he wanted revenge for something.

TO be continued... 10 votes for the rest <3

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