Chapter 2

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After getting dressed, Antonio was done with my hair and Maria with my makeup, I was finally ready to go and meet our guests.

Antonio had left my hair down to cover my mostly bare back only straightening the top and enhancing and fixing my already curly hair, while Maria did my make up simple as I hated having too much makeup on, it made me feel like a barbie doll, which was something I didn't really like if I was being honest.

I applied a little perfume and smiled satisfied with my look, though I knew that my parents would not really approve of it, as it wasn't of tradition for a girl to wear a dress above her knees but honestly I didn't want to think about it, Madeline brought my heels to me and I nodded at her to go and wait by the door while wearing them.

I stood up and checked my appearance once more before it was time for me to go, Madeline opened the door and escorted me out to the ball, one of our rules was that the royal family members must never walk alone, the princesses and queens were to be escorted by her maid, while the princes by their butler.

We reached the door leading to the ballroom, the guard of the door Retro bowed in respect to me and I nodded indicating that he can stand straight.

"Princess, your guests are waiting" he said and I nodded before dismissing my maid Madeline, our personal maids and butlers did not attend these events as our escorts, therefor they were left to rest until the ball was almost over.

"Princess Kiara, Daughter of King Alexander and Queen Monique" Retro announced and I smiled before walking down the stairs slowly, everyone aside from my parents and brothers bowed down in respect as I walked down.

but as soon as I reached the ground the guests stood up right and my eyes met a familiar looking man, though I couldn't remember when or where I have seen him but I do know that those green eyes were too familiar to me to just simply forget.

"Princess" my brother William smiled as he took my hand in his, my eyes never leaving the strange man's eyes, his brown locks, warm smile, I couldn't put a finger on where I've seen him before.

"You look as lovely as always" William said as he walked me toward our parents, maybe I've seen him in one of our balls, anyway no time to dwell or overthink that now.

"You're late" mother said and I looked down to hide my blush and was hugged by my brother Marcel from the back.

"Who's the most beautiful sister in the world?" Marcel said turning to face me. he kissed my cheek before letting me go and standing beside me.

I smiled and looked at my father who had an attentive look in his eyes.

"father is everything alright?" I asked catching his attention and he nodded before smiling at me.

"You look lovely my sweet" father said and I smiled before hugging him, though I didn't miss his stiff posture I knew that now was not the time to discuss any matters, we had guests so I let it slide.

"Now that everyone's here..." father clapped his hand and the music started playing ar ound us."Let the ball begin"

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