An Alpha's Love

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Beep beep beep...

Ohh god there goes that stupid alarm

I pulled my self up and pushed the snooze botton then i walked to my brothers room that was just across from mine.

"Alex wake up" i said pushing him

I sat there waiting for him to respond.

"Alex!' i yelled pulling the covers off him

I got up and pushed him hard enough for him to fall over

"Ouch" he said still laying on the floor.

I know he hates to be waken up so i walked towards the door

"Get ready we have to go to school" i said as i turned around

I walked back into my room and threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes.

Beep beep beep

I jumped at the horible sound and quickly got up to unplug the thing.

"Cathy! your stupid friend is here" I heard Alex yell

Kim my bestfriend walked in. I saw her roll her eyes at my brother

"YOU calling ME stupid ha!" Kim said with an eye brow risen

I smiled she was right he had no right to call her stupid.

"So you ready" Kim asked me with a smile on her face i noticed how the smile slowly began to vanish when she set her eyes on me

"Are you seriouse! Oh please dont tell me you plan on going to school looking like that" she said with a seriouse expression on her face

"Umm no!" i replied

"Thank god you actually scared me for a minute" she said laughing

I ignored her response and grabed some clothes. Then i headed to the bathroom.

"Ill be back" i said

"Please Cat you act like ima miss you" Kim said smiling

I simply stuck my tounge out at her like a little girl as i shut the bathroom door.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I put on a bit of eye liner on the top lid of my eye and got out of the bathroom.

I wore a black shirt that showed my belly once and a wile and some dark blue skinny jeans with some black flats.

I messed with my hair so it would get dry. I brushed it and straightened it were it needed.

"There does it look good or should i change?" i asked Kim

"Its fine come on and lets go" she said grabbing my bag with hers and headed out of my room

I put on a bit of perfume and went out the door

"Alex hurry up" i yelled looking for my brother

Were the hell is he? I asked myself

"He went for a run" my mom said as if she heard my thoughts

Both Kim and i sat down in the living room waiting for Alex to return

"So you still havent... you know...turned?" Kim asked me with wide eyes

Before i could answer the front door flew open letting in some cold air

"Lets go" Alex said

I got up and walked towards Alex who was now next to his car waiting for us

"Bye mom" i said before leaving

"Bye baby" my mom replied

I shut the door and smiled to myself wondering what my wolf would look like.

"So have you?" Kim asked as she got into the car

"Has she what?" Alex asked Kim confused

"She wants to know if ive shifted" i answered as i closed the car door

"And the answer is no" i added

"I guess its not for you little sis" Alex said joking

"Or maybe your wolf isnt ready for you yet" Kim said giving Alex a mean look

"Yea i guess" i said with a half smile on my face

We got to school quick since Alex likes speeding. Once he found a parking spot we all got out of the car.

"Ill meet you here after school" Alex said before taking off with his friends.

Kim and i walked to class we practicly have all our classes together except for math.

When we got to our english class we sat next to Alyson my second best friend

"Hey are you guys going to go camping with the guys on Friday?" Alyson asked looking at Kim and me

"Tommorow's Friday! Why didnt you guys tell me anything?" i said compleatly bumed out

"I told your brother i thought he'd tell you" Alyson replied

That ass hole why didnt he tell me anything.


This is my first book so


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