Chapter 3

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"Guess im walking home" i said as i caught up with the girls

"Why" Alyson asked

"Oh well Alex is leaving and he said he cant give me a ride home" i said i realy didnt want to walk ALL the way home

"We could all walk home together" Crystal said


*After school*

Both Kim and i walked down the stairs and waited for Crystal and Alyson at the front gate of the school

Once we were all together we started walking.

"Dam so how much for the hour" i heard some guy say in a car that parked in front of us

He lowered his mirror and we saw Jason.

That idiot now people were looking at us wrong

"Just shut the f*ck up Jason" Alyson said

"Dam that attitude i was just playing babe. You guys need a ride?" he replied

"Im not your BABE! And no we rather walk" Alyson shot back

I realy did not prefer walking my legs were killing me. But i just stayed quiet.

"Come on get in" he said giving her a wierd look

Alyson looked at us and then she obeyed him

Jason drove to my house he already knew were it was since he's a friend of my brother.

All of us got off and we all made our way inside my house.

"Did Alyson say she was coming to" i asked standing at the door not sure if i should close it.

"Yea why?" Kim said

"She's still in the jerk's car" i said with an eye brow risen

We all stayed quiet prossesing everything.

"You dont think..."Crystal started

"No i dought it" Kim said

"What if he is" i said

"Jason is Alyson's Mate!" we all said together

"What are you guys talking about" Alyson practicaly screamed

We all looked at her and then she smiled.

And we knew we were right.

"Ohh my god you lucky b*tch you found your mate" Crystal said

None of us have found our mate and well what can i say we all felt a bit jelouse of her.

"Since when why didnt you tell us anything" Kim said

"Because i just found out" she said biting her lip

We all looked at her not knowing what to say

"Come on i still have to pack cloths for tommorow" i said going towards my room

The girls followed i packed and talked about who was going to go camping with us and deciding who was going to drive us there

After a wile of talking they all went home

"See you guys tommorow" i said closing the front door

"Who's driving your friends home" my mom said worried

"Relax mom there going for a run in the woods im pretty sure thats how there going home" i said with my head down

"Sweety dont worry you'll shift one day just give you wolf some time you'll see" she said

"Yea i guess...umm has Alex goten home" i asked

"I dont think so" she replied

I grabed a sandwich and went to Alex's room


Well thats just grate were the hell is he

I turned on his xbox and played

I heard some noises from the window

I walked towards it and i saw my brother in his wolf form i opened the window letting him in

"Were the hell here you" i asked still lookin out the window

I couldnt help but notice 5 other wolfs outside running off in the woods

"Who were those guys" i asked still not getting an answer

"Can i turn around now" i asked not wanting to get flashed by my brother

"Yea you can turn" he said

"Who were they" i asked again

"Ill tell you everything tomorrow we need to sleep we have to wake up early since were goin to the lake" he said

Yea tommorow i would have never known we were going to the lake if it werent for Alyson some brother i have

I walked to my room and layed in bed.

I was just about to go to sleep when my dad came in

"Cathy" i heard him whisper

"Yes dad" i said as i sat up

"I heard you guys are going to the lake i just wanted to say to be carefull sweety dont stay away from Alex you hear me" he said

"Yes daddy" i said

Yea my dads over protective of me especially since i cant shift i wouldnt be able to defend myself against a rouge

He kissed my cheek and walked out my room

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