Two Comets

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Crouching down beside the slumbering girl, Hound began to gently stroke the crown of her fiery hair. Her body hunched over her knees was slowly rising and falling with each intake of her body, which now coiled like a hiding child seemed chilled to a still. At her feet slumped a brown leather satchel and a long oblong carrying case to what appeared some sort of instrument. violin perhaps?-too tame for Persephone. Now beneath the stars, so silent and gentle, Hound was truly able to take in her beauty: the way her green coat sagged on the left side of her body, the sharpness of her knuckles, the way her eyelashes shedded so often and easily, the scent of buttery biscuits she carried everywhere. She was indescribable, a crossword of paradoxes, she was the sharp noise you heard in the night, but when armed searching for horror the relief you felt when realising it was only a tree outside. Mania and comfort in a solitary being, the slither of golden light on the horizon after a storm, the first gust of air you taste after crying and now stooped, shivering with her box of music, Hound felt like a sodden fool.

"Persephone..."still stroking her soft hair Hound dropped to kneel in front of her "Persephone, I'm home"

slowly she unravelled her hands away from her knees and lifted her head. Her face now bare to the approaching dawn appeared reminiscent of Greek pottery-gold paint on harsh black. The orange light soaked up her harsh bones to swim upwards through her hair, spinning her profile like ancient coin. The stars above still peeked vaguely through the seeping sky, only highlighting her divine light, until she reached out to Hound, moving her right hand tentatively across Hound's cheekbone. Hound's skin rocketed, spinning, hurling wildly through the atmosphere at her fingertips, it jumped and sizzled ,itching for more of her cosmos touch.

"I waited for you. I wanted to see you." her eyes stared intently as she spoke

"you're freezing Persephone, there's dangerous people around-"Hound frantically began wrapping his coat around her shoulders.

"-the curfew I know, but I needed you" her fingers still coating his face moved further into his temple.

the quick, useless anger Hound felt surging, pointedly stopped when he saw the sleep still lining her eyes. Her hands he realised wanted more than just his face, they wanted his skin, his words. Pulling her gently up with his arms around her, he picked up her things and fumbled for his key. Still with her eyes in night, she clumsily felt her way forward through the dark house, only to be stopped by Hounds soft chuckle.

"I'm not quite sure if I should be concerned or amused"

Persephone, still fumbling, quickly closed her eyes as the sharp light came on, causing her eyes to squint up at Hound's grinning face. Her fingers lethargically moved towards Her scarf, but found great struggle without her sight, only for Hound to begin undressing her the way a small child demands to be after a snow storm.

"Hound...Hound. Houuund" her head slumped back against the hallway wall "bit of an odd name don't you agree?"

"Persephone: goddess of spring growth and queen of the underworld?"

Persephone reached out to playfully nudge Hounds shoulder

"I want your real name" Persephone opened her eyes

still holding her scarf winding around his hand, Hound leant his arms on the wall beside her to lean over her

"what if I don't want you to know my name"

"then I won't want to know you"

Persephone still staring contentedly up at Hound, with one finger began to unpick the buttons of his blazer causing Hounds breath to hitch

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