The Six Children

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The light was bright, only burning from the middle of the first cluster of stars. They would move outwards in quick spring like rings, ever expanding until the end couldn't be seen. Each ball of light was different than the other, almost to what had been created known as 'snowflakes'. The brightness of each all changed, flickering and burning like wax on a flame. With each ring of stars lay home to the children who nestled between the small spaces, they lingered in hushed harmony until their father awoke. He kept them rather secluded having plucked them from planets across his universes. It was said that he became lonely growing impatient with his growing body and began searching for his children that he had lost so long ago. Little concerned of responsibility for the children, but only their mere presence was needed. There was six children, all without names-and some without faces.

The first child taken was from an immensely cold universe, where ice and snow prevailed across all the lands, forcing all the beings into hiding. Their cheeks were red and their fingers were long, they lived without fire, they had dreams of things called daffodils and created gods made out of the long yellow petals in hopes of reaching something brighter than their bleak landscape. The child had been wandering through ice fields looking for her own god of hair of golden yellow, her tears had frozen to her skin, creating mazes of ice along her eyes. He saw her and her broken desire and fabricated a springtime to cradle her in the palm of his hand ,her disappearance made little difference among her family for they had the cold to fend against. She found her springtime to be her whole heart and missed little of her former struggle, but when he who took her found no interest in her she saw the tall dry grass as a mocking joke rather than a comfort to her so he found her a friend.

The second child came from a world of dryness, the sun and sand ruled with vicious brutality, dragging life through the dead land by its back teeth. The boy came from starvation, staggering through the vast nothing in attempts of finding somewhere better, somewhere that he could rest his skin and close his eyes. When the boy had collapsed he was taken away to the place of springtime to be with the first child, she was welcoming, but curious of his patterned skin, as a world of sun seemed wondrous to her. She thought of the heat and how she would try to jump into the sky and cup the brightness to drink, but the boy found her world of ice to be a lie, his body he thought could melt her lands and flood them the way he had always dreamed his tears would form oceans like the ones he had heard in legends. Now although their father had overcame loneliness, he grew angry in jealousy at how little the children wanted to be with him, they became amassed in their own story telling of their own people and lands.

out of spite the father gathered another child and this time he turned to the universe of water, he sought out a child of the deepest seclusion. His home was in the ocean, he could swim to the core of his planet, but he couldn't seek out adoration. The people of this universe ignored each other, they lived alone choosing to turn to the sky. They would read the stars to communicate with them, in belief that they were alive, forever talking to them. The child in all their efforts couldn't be on his own, he wanted to leap into the sky and live in peace, by love. Seeing the child, the father thought by taking the child he would find his own love in return, but the child was left secluded away from the spring of the other two children, he could see them through their sun rays and apple trees. He tried on countless of times to jump through the stars and on the first day when they discovered they could climb trees, the children saw the boy from new heights and how alone he was. Their hatred for the father had been identified and when they tried to reach the child with broken trees, the fathers wrath became encompassing. He left the three children in darkness separating them into nothingness until he had found his fourth child. Separate from each other the children began to self destruct, counting their bones and burying their teeth, they wanted nothing more than to abandon their father and run away together.

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