Chapter Seven

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Hey guys, thank you for all the votes and comments! So here's your new

chapter. Enjoy!



I woke up yawning. Last night's memories were still in my mind. It was nice

and fun. Today Finn were planning to bring me and Darren to the place he

recommended. I put on a nice outfit and took my bag of laundry to the

washing room. I dumped my clothes inside the pail and went to meet with

Darren. The maids will wash the clothes later. Darren laid a plate of fries and

chicken in front of me. "Eat. We will have long journey today so fill up your

stomach." I nodded and stabbed my fork into the meat. After finished eating,

Darren took me to the stables. I gasped when we entered the stables. The

floor was wet and there were foamy substances everywhere. One of the

horse's cage door were wide open. "One of the horses had escaped!" Darren

said, gasping. " Hi guys, What-" Finn came in and stared at the mess.

"Oh, the horse- I mean my horse....." Darren glared at him. "You did this! You

messed up this place and you let one of my horse escaped! Why would you

want to that?" Finn shook his head. "Its not really on purpose. You see, I was

angry with my sister so....I, er, I just messed up this place. But no worries! I'll

clean up this mess. in the meantime, the both of you may have a seat in the

gardens." Darren growled and pulled me out of the stables. "That bitch. Didn't

he know this is my home! How dared he do this?" I rested my hand on his

arm. "He already said that wasn't done on purpose. So you might as well

forgive him!" Darren shook his head and sat on the bench without saying a

word. I sighed. Sometimes he can be so stubborn! I sat beside him and

stared at Finn, busy scrubbing the floors.

After about an hour, Finn came out from the stables. "Its clean and shiny.

Come see." I got up and made my way towards the stables with Darren

behind me. I gaped at Finn. "Its clean! Thats great so can we go now?" He

smiled and nodded. Darren rolled his eyes. "Good job! Now lets go." We

mounted our horses and went into the forest. "Where to General Finn?" I

joked. He smirked. "To the beautiful place."


I gasped with delight. The place was absolutely amazing. It has a large pond

in the middle and willow trees on the side. The place was shady and sunny

at the same time. Darren inhaled sharply. "Smells great! It is so refreshing. I

love this place." Finn laughed. "Its beautiful isn't it?" I smiled. "Yeah. Lets

explore this place." We dismounted and tied our horses to one of the willow

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