You sat in your room playing with your phone.
Suddenly a message popped on your screen from strange number.
Stranger: "Hey..remember me? Mr. Mikey? ;)"
You: "How could I forget?! How are you?"
Mikey: "Awesome as always..:) You?"
You: "Bored out of my mind! Wanna hang?"
Mikey: "Ofc! At skatepark in 20 minutes?"
You: "See you there!♡"
I sit on the couch with my brothers reading a comic books with Raph and Donnie while Leo watches that lame Space Heroes show, his eyes glued to the TV.
I'm telling them about Y/N and they just stare at me like I'm crazy or something.
Mikey: "..and she has beautiful H/L H/C hair and big E/C eyes and she is so fun and pretty and..."
Raph: "Enough! You been babbling about this mystery girl for six days now!"
Donnie: "Yeah..You sure she isn't just your imagination? I mean she sounds waaay too good to be true.."
Mikey: "Yes I'm sure she is real! Don't believe me huh?"
Donnie and Raph exhange looks and I doubt that Leo is even listening to us.
Raph: "first: if she was real..wich I doubt..then you must have something to prove it. Second: if she was real..wich I still doubt..then she must be crazy to want to hang out with you and third: Of course we don't believe you! You are you after all." Raph smirks.
Mikey: "I think you guys are just jealious and I DO have proof!"
Now even Leo turns away from the TV to look at me. They all exhange looks.
Mikey: "She gave me her number!"
I say and show them a piece of paper with numbers in it. They stare at me with huge eyes and mouth open. Leo smirks.
Leo: "Hah..that could be any number you made..prove it's her."
He says and now it's my turn to smirk.
Mikey: "Challenge accepted!"
I text her and when she answers Raph, Donnie and Leo all stare at me with wide eyes.
Leo: "Well well well..look at you little brother! Congratulations!" He smiles warmly.
Donnie: "Yeah..good for you!"
Raph: "What they said. Can't wait to meet her.." He smirks and looks away.
I thanked them and went to get my skateboard for my playdate with Y/N.
Hey guys! I'm back!🤗 and this time I'm gonna keep my word! Atleast 1 new chapter every DAY!❤ SPECIAL THANKS FOR rosie_loves_leo_tmnt FOR PUSHING ME BACK TO DOING THIS!❤❤❤ #nevöforget😂 anyways if you have any questions, comments or requests let me know!❤ Bye my lovelies!👋

TMNT 2012 Boyfriend scenarios
Fantasyread your and your turtle's love story :) i hope you like it :) I do not own tmnt