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; quickness and keenness of judgment or insight 


dear friend, 

yes it is you i want to please. it is you i try to comfort. it is you that i am writing this for right now,

i dont know and please do not ask why i am feeling the need to do this so just, stay with me.

step by step and along the yellow pavement i type with a growing urgency to speak and talk.

i cannot pretend that i am one of those people who are wise and ''woke'' and other 'w' words.

im here to tell you and only you, that i am me. you are you, and im envious of you all. of happy souls.

no need to worry though, i wont do anything drastic. im pretty sure there are people who watch me.

i know i am labeled as the typical 'depressed' or 'suicidal' stereotype. eh, ive grown to live with it.

to be a mixed female in this utterly fucked up world is already bad enough right now in life. vexed life.

not only problems, but as im walking here alone outside, its very lonely. as i was saying before, 

i feel like a ribcage. yes. a ribcage. women were made from the rib of a man. but i feel more different?

a ribcage that is going to explode. yes. much more efficient. sorry i dont have a better explanation.

its just, all yellow now. not a bright yellow of course. im not used to these bright being colors so dull. 

a very pale and dirty colored yellow. and i know i shouldnt be feeling this color so deeply. its somber,

more grave than any yellow ive felt before. i probably should be writing this in my poetry but, friend,

this is you. im not satisfied writing this in something that is represented by  gloominess and sadness.

im writing this here with a new book because i want it to stand for something. this is my line. but,

this line is your's to stand. you chose to stand on my line or make your own line, no problem. as long,

as the line still represents the same thing. as long as you share your line as well as i share my line. 

my line is yellow. like the one i am walking on as i type at the very moment. but still vibrant enough,

to be seen by other persons. equanimity is what i must sound like and i apologize once more. anger,

should be present. now back to lines and places and all other types of plus and negative signs. i hear,

i hear it all calling. everything is aligned.i know that only because of position i am in right now.

right now. i cant stress it enough. right now is the time to do everything. right now is now. now is here,

if today is the last of all, make sure you do everything you've ever wanted. make sure your line is full.

now what i mean, about a line, is the balance of all that you do. the balance of the good and bad, or,

not so good, but not that bad. the line is everything that you are as a whole. whether you share it all,

keep it to yourself and stay greedy and sinful, or you give instead of wanting to receive, and stay on,

yup you guessed it. the positive line of your side. where your feet are connected together and you do it

hold that persons hand, tell them something nice and feel good about that. feel satisfied that you said

''you look nice today,'' just tell them ''your hair looks amazing'' and spread that positivity. spread it,

just like raging wild fire that cant be stopped. right now, is when its happening. so do it now. right now

when everything isnt the same but everything is anything. its all endless. full of chances and flights, 

challenges and experiences. that are full with color, not a bitter damned yellow. but a rainbow of it all

so dont be like me, how i used to be. stay on your line and dont move from it. its all you and you only.

friend, spread it. through social media, through your own homes. through school, family, spread it.

get off the minus sign. stop hiding behind the mask that society wants us to hide behind our faces.

they dont have the positive line. but you do. im starting to fade. but thats not what i want to do at all.

i want to burn out. you? dont fade or burn. stand on your line right now. the positive sign or negative,

thats, like i said before, all up to you. the decision is yours. stand great spine tall, or hunch over.

this is my line and i share, that is your line you need to share. the power is within us all. its all here.

happening, right now. use that power. friend, its all you. 

until next time,

stand together.

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