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I sit.  Alone.  Just thinking.

Questioning. What is this maze we are all being trapped in? There's no getting out, is there...  So what do I do? I'm trapped. Not only inside my warring mind, but with these so called "humans" and their humanity... And that's the thing, isn't it? Humanity isn't  what people have created, but what the Demons have... Maybe we are all good dep jnside, but the Demons have taken over.... Or maybe the "humans" are the Demons, working for the Devil himself.  And it's the motivators and fighters that are the angels fighting for the good to come back to the world, fighting to demolish the Demons and turn them back to the people they never were.

I've always blamed humanity for the pain and anguish of the world. But now, I realize it's so much more. It's the Demons inside my own mind, my own wish for death, my own self-hatred that made me see how human I am. So maybe it is humanity that has hurt me so bad, but I am a part of it.  I like to think of myself to be this extraordinary, good-doer alien that couldn't hurt a sing soul- not even my own. But now, I see the lies in those words. But now, I realize the true faults of not only myself, but all of this. All of us. We aren't human, we never were. We are Demons in the form of "people".  The lies we were told... lies... lies... ECHOING. IN. MY. MIND.

So what is this "life"? What if it's actually just death in the form of living. What if we're merely just figments of the Devil's dreams. If the Demons were told to possess us and do Satan's dirty work. We are robots programmed to do the Devil's work. We are mere slaves of what everyone else wants us to be. You can't ask why, but you can find a way to cope. Its there, and it's not always negative.

What do you think life could be...

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