Hi there..

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When the door opened I met the eyes of a pale figure lying on top of his bedding under his dark eyes were  even darker circles making it look as if he hadn't gotten a lick of sleep for ages. His hair was a dirty blonde shaggy like a mop which  fell over his eyes when he shifted to fast. Jake pushed me further into the room and smiled before handing me my uniform before speaking.

"Okay Sit tight ill have another staff member come help you get those on Pandora"

I watched him walk out of the room when his footstep could no longer be heard the male sat up and looked at me his eyes glued to the long scar across my throat. The longer he stared the more I admired his eyes, he had eyes you could see the world in, If he was happy you could see it in his eyes and if he was sad the same. "You should hear his thoughts....Disgusting I'll tell ya.," he spoke with a serious tone before laying back down as if he knew another male and Jake were to walk back into the room. They looked at each other then back down at me with smiles that sent a wave of fear down my spine. Jake came up and gently pulled me up on my feet by my arms while the other male started to pull my top off. This is when things started to take a turn for the worse. I felt Jake pull my body against him so I  was unable to move something hard poking my bottom half. I gave a nervous laugh as I tried to push the thought away but when the other males hand grazed slowly down to my pants and underwear I started to panic. It was still hard to speak so all I could do was let out small squeaks to show my disapproval. I felt the other male grab my waist and pull my bare legs up to his lower half rubbing himself against me. "S...stop" I squeaked out in a raspy voice before I could do anything in the blink of an eye Jake was jolted back by an arm and I was sat back into my chair. The shaggy-haired boy had pulled them off of me and gave me a worried look before growling up at the men and before I knew it they were talking into their walky-talkies calling a code white seconds after two big men came through the door and grabbed both of the strange boys arms while jake stuck a needle in him with what I assumed to be a drug to put him to sleep because after his body fell limp . They dragged him out leaving me alone with jake who angrily threw my clothes at me before storming off like a child who didn't get what they wanted. The room was cold and I was left all alone for the mean time until two female nurses walked into the room helping me get dressed and taking a blood sample. I had never been fond of sharp objects so you can imagine the fight I put up as they tried to stick a needle into my pale arm. When the nurses left I was stuck alone on my stiff hospital bed for hours, My heart was slowly pumping my blood it was so silent that anyone could hear it. Thum-thump.....Thum-thump.... thump-thump. Back and forth my eyes rolled to each side trying to keep myself awake from fear of what might come in my dreams but it was useless my body quickly fell into a deep slumber. Everything was dark all that could be heard were the struggling cries of a young girl and the pleasured groans of a boy not much older than her. Running footsteps, loud sobs, bedroom doors being picked open, It was as if I would have to relive this moment over and over again. Tired dark brown eyes stared into my own with curiosity. A pale face hovered a few inches away from mine studying my every feature as if I was an artwork hanging on the wall of a museum his breaths were almost silent like he wasn't even breathing, His long bone like finger grazed my neck where the scar was softly like he was petting a kitten. With a gasp I flung myself forward clashing heads with the male which brought me right back down to the bed unlike me the male was snickering with a boyish smile reaching his hand out to me he helped me up while continuing to snicker. My hands covered my tired eyes with a slight yawn before looking up at the clock that read 12:30am slight anger filled my body as my eyes squinted at him in a glare. "12:30am... You woke me up from my sleep at 12:30..?" My voice was hoarse but I couldn't believe I had spoken at all. For a moment I was excited and then once again angry.

The boy raised his eyebrow at me curious with a slight smile.

"Well you were having a nightmare weren't you..? I could smell your fear and...I watched you toss and turn you also mumbled some words. Along the lines of.. Stop please get off of me."

As he mocked me, I huffed crossing my arms over the top of my scrubs letting out a soft sigh before grabbing an applesauce off of the metal food tray they had left for us. Shoveling a big scoop into my mouth i happily swallowed it while crossing my legs on my bed that was currently being taken up by the strange boy. "I...uh...I would like to thank you for earlier... For protecting me you didn't have to and still you did and for that I'm very grateful" my eyes met his which happened to be already staring at me as if he was trying to figure my mind out. "My names Pandora, And yours is?"

"Dorian. Dorian walker"

He replied in a deep sexy tone. He nibbled on his lower lip and I could feel it pulling me in but quickly I looked away and almost as if he was in shock he too looked away. The night went on for hours it started off awkward but by the end of it I felt a connection between us. six am came by quickly and Dorian soon fell asleep of course he fell asleep on my bed though like the cute idiot he was. Instead of moving him I decided to curl up and fall asleep as well but I don't think either of us were ready for the hell that was coming for us and that hell happened to have a penis and a real bad attitude. Jake with anger dumped a large bucket of water over our bodies soaking us completely. Dorian let out a loud growl me well I let out a high pitched squeak as I was yanked out of the bed by my arm and away from Dorian something caused me to panic to the point that i reached out and grabbed the hand that dorian had held out for me. Suddenly I was jolted away from him and into jakes arms tightly I could hardly breath he was squeezing me so tightly once again a code white was called and my mysterious prince was drugged and taken away to to be seen later. I too was  dragged from my room and tossed into the girls washroom Jake standing above me with disapproving eyes that stared at me with something dark something I had seen before ... In my brothers best friends eyes.
"Undress. Now"
I could hear the anger as his young male voice demanded to remove my clothing. Afraid to disobey I began stripping my clothes off first I slipped my top off and over my head and then slowly my pants, I stood there in my undergarments against the white tile walls nervously my body was shaking from fear and the cold his greedy eyes stared me down while he walked to me pushing me under the shower head his tan arm reached out to turn the shower on. Hot the water was so hot it steamed and burned my body causing my skin to turn a bright red it felt as if I was being cooked like a lobster. Jakes anger filled frown turned into a sadistic smile as he watched me squirm beneath the burning water.His eyes glanced back and fourth to all the spots my body was being burned my chest was blood red from the pressure of the water and the heat quickly I was pulled out of the water and bent over a knee like a child. "Ow!"
I cried out as his hand made contact with my backside, again and again he pulled his hand back and smacked me until his hand print was indented into my skin just sitting down would be a job of its own for awhile. 15 minutes felt like it was forever when it came to punishments. Once he was done teaching me a lesson I was dragged back to my room and tossed on the bed like a limp dead body. Hours went by and I had hardly had a ounce of sleep to save my life the pain was so horrible Every Time my eyes would shut I would roll the wrong way and it would sting all over again. This place was hell!. The unlocking of my door and the sound footsteps caused me to open my eyes Dorian lied on the floor like a lump his naturally dark eyes were now surrounded by a layer of bruising. They had beaten him I had hardly gotten anything compared to what Dorian had dealt with. When the men had left I forced myself off the bed and used all the strength I had left to lift his scrawny body off the floor and onto his bed as softly as I could. After that I could finally sleep at first I thought my lack of ability to sleep was the pain but when Dorian was returned I could sleep in peace and he could as well. When Dorian awoke he had woken me up as well with a slight smile who could smile after what he endured I don't know but it was nice to see someone look at me with more then desire or disappointment.
"Are you okay Dorian?"
I mumbled softly sitting up to get a good look at him I was in awe his bruise was already healing like it was nothing. He gave me a cheeky smile before sitting on my bed with me but that smile soon faded as he saw the burn marks on my arms and face from the hot water.
"I'm fine don't you worry about me Dorian I'm more worried about you then myself they gave you real good beating all I got was burned and a spanking like a bad child"
Letting out a small laugh I poked his nose softly but was surprised when he didn't shudder at my touch when the others touched him he was cold and pulled back but with me it was something different. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way others scared me but Dorian... He made me feel safe I wasn't afraid of him like I was other guys.
What was this boy doing to me?

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