Run Aways!

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With a soft yawn. I rolled over in the hard motel bed, Glancing over I saw Dorian lying next to me sound asleep. Things had been wild for the past few weeks but they were finally starting to calm down I had come to terms that Dorian was, in fact, a vampire and so was jake and his friend Michael. Things were never as they seemed. Slipping out of bed I stretched my shoulder out with a quiet moan before walking to the bathroom grabbing my toothbrush I made sure to clean my mouth and throw on a pair of sweatpants before going on a walk. The weather was beautiful it was bright outside, The sun was out but the clouds kept it cool outside. Grabbing a rubber band off my wrist I tied my hair up things were looking up for me and Dorian there had been no sign of jake and the other which meant we were free finally. I decided to take what money Dorian and I had and make my way to a breakfast shop, A nice little dinner  little ways away from our motel. Luckily the place wasn't packed meaning I got in fast but I was quickly reminded of how lucky I was a person when I saw two familiar faces walk in and sit at a booth not to far from me.
 "Oh no..."

I whispered under my breath while eating some bacon. Ducking my head as low as I could I tried to slide out of my chair making my way to the woman's restroom. I had gotten almost half way there before looking back making straight eye contact with Michael, At first he hadn't noticed me but i stupidly gave him enough time to stare at my face. Alerting jake they both stood up and that was my cue, I made my break for the woman's room locking the door on my way in. My heart was racing and I couldn't catch my breath every bone in my body wanted me to run back to Dorian but they would kill him I knew that so I was on my own. I was the only girl in the bathroom there were no windows my only choice was to let them get ahold of me and see if I could escape their grasps. Didn't want them to think I was weak though so I decided I was gonna go out with a bang. As quick as I could I walked into one of the stalls and ripped a toilet up out of the plumbing and ran out the door but they were nowhere to be found but there were plenty of people staring at me like I was a madman..Wouldn't be the first time. My breathing started to calm as I made my way to the back of the building everyone was too afraid to stop me so it was quite easy to make my way out the back door. My guess for the reason I couldn't find the two would have to be that they think I'm stupid and was going to go out the front. Pulling myself up onto a box of fruit I pushed myself over the fence into someone's pool. The splashing noise must have been pretty loud because a strong tanned arm reached under dragging me out of the water without a seconds notice. I let out a loud gasp as I coughed up the water that had been in my lungs Jake and Michael staring me down with their cocky little grins which I knew they were thinking something annoying like how they knew they would catch me. Once all the water had drained from my lungs I too stared up at them I knew that this time there would be no mercy and I was right because at that exact moment I felt a boot kick me in the ribs knocking the wind out of me. I felt a hand reach down and pick me up by the hair dragging me to their car it was painful alright but i wasn't going down without a fight. I kicked and scream attracting as much attention to us, of course bringing worried people to my side. They kept telling the people I was just crazy but my acting was amazing. I cried and begged telling them I needed to get home to my family that these two gentlemen wouldn't let me go and that it was against my will. The only perk of being a fragile pale girl it wasn't easy to deny a girl who was crying for help,  An older woman in her late thirties pulled me away from jakes grasp and into her big red pickup truck she didn't ask questions until we were far from the two men but when we did get away I was sort of afraid. The woman looked over at me with a raised eyebrow almost as if she knew. That's when I saw it, I looked into her eyes seeing the same glimmer in her eyes that I did in Dorian's.  She was a vampire as well but why wasn't she sleeping like Dorian? Most vampires wouldn't have the energy to be awake at this time of day.
             "My names Pandora, Uhm..I'm an asylum escape and I'm running from those

two men because they were trying to sexually assault me and kill my friend. Dorian you might know him coming from what I see in your eyes" She knew she was ballsy but she had to take the chance Dorian and hers life was in danger. "Now I know you don't know me but if you could be so kind as to take me back to my motel so I could wake him up and get him out of here before they find him.." To my surprise, the woman gave me a warm smile before starting the engine again and making our way back to the motel being weary of jakes car hoping we wouldn't run into them for awhile again. Talk was very minimum she only told me that her name was Janet and she too was a vampire like Dorian she had kids before she was turned but after she transformed she faked her death so that her kids could have a normal life as humans.  When her truck pulled up to the motel it was almost dark the front lights lighting up the walkway so that she could watch me get into the room. I slipped out of the car grabbing my dirty shoes out of her trunk her warm smile faded into a worried motherly frown grabbing my arm before I could leave she began to speak words of wisdom. "Be careful what you do love, He is still a vampire no matter how appealing he looks he could still kill you in a minute without a thought if he ever snaps you will be done for remember that you will never have a normal life with him" And with that she drove off making her way to where ever she lived probably alone people like her deserved to find love and happiness not to go through the pain they went through. After this whole vampire ordeal, I didn't even think of what got me into it, and truthfully it didnt matter anymore I was.. Not safe but there was a bigger problem at hand than some horny asshole who didn't know what no meant, No now we had two horny immoral assholes who didn't know what no meant and the way they are chasing us makes me think they don't just want me. When I slid the key into the lock I was surprised to see Dorian was awake with a look of panic when his eyes met mine I was suddenly grabbed being pulled into a tight hug with all that I had gone through today It was 100% Needed.  While being squeezed the bruises that had been left by the males could now be seen the blood on my face hard to miss. Dorians soft large hand glided against the blood wiping it off before looking at it and then me before he spoke.
       "You have the count of three to tell me what happened until I star tearing
 People limb from limb.."

      Gosh was he cute when he got angry and bloodthirsty I pulled away from him as I spoke
 "I went to get breakfast while you slept and ran into some uninvited guests..." He knew who i was talking about his stare held me for minutes that felt like hours before he decided it was better to get going on the road before they find us again.

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