Chapter 5

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Okaay so, it took me a while to update again, it's been quite a few exhausting weeks for me, and I didn't have that much inspiration anymore for the story but now I have found new inspiration and I finally know where this story will go.

I know it isn't that long but the next chapters will be :)

So I hope you enjoy it and comment and vote :)


Dylan's POV

It was already night, but I had to see her. I couldn't mess this up again. I have to let her trust me again and the only way to do that is to let her see that I have changed. I probably haven't, but I have to try right? I was standing in front of her door now. Should I knock or ring the bell? God, why am I nervous? Oh for the love of God. Here goes nothing I guess..

*knock* *knock*

I heard a lot of shrieks and screaming, I had probably scared her, guess she hit everything on her way to the door. I hope she hasn't smelled the change in me. If she found out I would be dead. Well she could try, but come on who can beat me, right? The door opened and there she was, only in her PJ's, she looked so adorable.

"Dylan?! What the hell are you doing here?" She yelled at me. Well that's another way to welcome me I guess. "What a nice way to welcome me Ash." She looked at me like she saw a ghost or something. I guess it wasn't a good idea after all, that I came to her house. Well, my house, since she still lived at my appartment. "Uhm, sorry, it's just, I.. uh..I didn't expect to see you here, that's all." "Well, it's still my appartment so, it's obvious I would come home after all, don't you think?" I said calmly, I knew she hated it when I would talk to her, as she was a child. So why not take advantage of this moment? "You know, I expected more from your intelligence, but I guess I was wrong, you still can't see the obvious in situations." She looked like she would explode anytime soon. God, how I loved teasing her.

"Just come in and shut the door, okay." she said while she went inside. The place was still the same, except a few paintings here and there and the furniture has changed a bit, but the rest was still the same. I wonder if she left my room the same or if she changed it. "Did you change my room too?" I was to curious to just wait and go check for myself, I had to hear it from her. You know, just in case she painted the walls in a girly colour or something you know. "No, it's still the same, I didn't go into your room, since you left." she said while looking at my bedroom door. It surprised me that she didn't go into my room, I thought she would go in there, but guess I was wrong.

"Okay well, thanks, I don't really like changing my envirenmont. So what have you been up to?" I ask casually while I walk to the couch. I turned to look at her, and she was staring at me with her mouth wide open. "What?!" she yells at me. "You expect me to just sit and talk with you after all this time. After you left me?! What do you think I've been up to. I was trying to hold it all together! You stupid son of a bitch!" She yells and lunges at me. Oh shit was the only thing on my mind, when I saw her eyes. "Ash, I didn't mean it like that, come on." I pleaded. "This is crazy, you know that, right?" All she did was just stare at me and follow me wherever I went. This is not good. Not good at all. Like this will be my death. "Oh, but I think this is perfect." She said while smiling.

After what felt like hours, which were actually just a few minutes, I was lying on the floor with Ash on top of my back. She had pinned me to the ground and didn't budge when I tried to shake her off of me. She became stronger, I must tell you that, but with my new powers I am way more stronger, but I didn't use them, she has to let me in again. And I can't go around using my new powers, because it will draw way too much attention to us. So I kept still on the floor with Ash sitting and breathing hard on my back.

"Ash, come on, get of my back. You're being childish." I said. She didn't budge and she didn't say anything. She just stayed on my back, like she was frozen. "Yeah well, I think it's nicer this way. You know, you didn't fight me back, so you must have weakened." Oh she has no idea how much more powerful I became instead of getting weaker. "Maybe that's why you smell so different, you don't have your powers anymore Dylan?" She was taunting me. She thought she is the strong one now, but she is so mistaken. "Well, maybe, but I doubt it. Maybe I became stronger. Ever thought about that, Ash?" I asked her. She stiffened and let me go. I slowly rose to my feet. "What? Cat got your tongue?" I asked her smirking. She just looked at me, wide eyed and mouth open. Not a good sign. "Come on Ash, I was kidding. Since when did you get so gullible?" She didn't answer me back, I stood there for a few minutes waiting for her to reply, but she didn't. So I just walked to my room and locked the door behind me and went straight to my bed, and as my head hit my pillow, I fell asleep.

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