Chapter 14

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A/N; Before you read this i know the boys are only doing the UK shows but for the story they will be doing the European ones as well, so please don't comment saying the boys didn't do those shows because i know, it's just for the story.
UPDATE: Apparently the boys are doing some european dates so this is partly true x

• Half Way Through Tour •

Tour has gone amazingly so far, we are currently in Sheffield on the second show night. We then had two Manchester dates before heading to Europe which i am kind of excited about!

The show started in 2 hours so we are just chilling in The Vamps boys dressing room, Mollie, George, Reece, Brad, Tris, Levi, Austin, Nate and Conor are currently dancing to throwback songs and just generally being idiots while Me, Blake, James, Connor and Drew watch them. Me and Blake were sat on a big beanbag in the corner while the other three were on the sofa in the middle of the room.

"They are such idiots" Blake laughs

"Yeah, but i love them" i reply

"Not as much as you love me" he winks

"Obviously" i wink back laughing

"Do you wanna go for a walk, these lot are too loud" Blake suggests

"Sure" i reply

We both get up and let everyone know we are going out for a bit and that we will be back in an hour to prepare for the show. We then go and find my dad and let him know where we are going before heading out the venue and starting our walk.

We only walk around the block, not too far. Just having casual conversation and acting like the idiots we are skipping down the street, Blake singing occasionally.

"I love your voice" I suddenly say after he finished singing a part of Rest Your Love by The Vamps

"Thanks, want me to sing more?" He laughs

"I'll hear you again later it's fine" i laugh

"Is that me or you?" Blake asks hearing a phone go off

"Me i think" i reply getting my phone out my pocket

"Ugh we should head back" i laugh

"Why?" He asks

"Blake, we have been out for an hour and a half" i reply

"No way!" He exclaims

"Yeah" i laugh

"Race you back" he says jogging ahead

"No fair, i can't run" i say running after him

"Get on" he chuckles suddenly stopping infront of me


"I'll piggy back you, hop on" he smiles

"No! I'm heavy" i laugh walking ahead of him

"Nuh uh!" He shouts grabbing me throwing me over his shoulder

This is how we arrive at the arena 10 minutes later!

"What did we miss?" George winks

"Blake please put me down now" i laugh

"But i don't want too" he pouts

"But you have too" i pout back mocking him

"Fine" he frowns placing me back on the ground

"Thanks babes" i laugh

"No probs babes" he mocks me this time

"I'm off too see Mols bye, good luck for the show you'll smash it" i smile leaving the three boys in their dressing room and going to find Mollie

"Hey girl" i smile sitting on a box backstage where she was on her phone

"Hey, where did you and Blake run off too?" She asks winking

"We just went for a walk" i laugh

"Any details i should know of?" She questions

"Not yet" i wink

"You still like him then?" She smiles

"Yeah" i blush

"Cutiesss" she squeals

"Shhhh" i hush her

"By the way, i may have told reece you like blake and he may have told me blake likes you too" she says really fast

"Woah, wait, really?" I smile

"Yes!" She grins

"Oh my gosh" i blush

"Anyway wanna head to starbucks? I need coffee asap" she asks

"Why would anyone turn down starbucks?" I laugh

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