At Fluttershy's cottage...
Rainbow Dash: Ugh, this is gonna take FOREVER!!!!
Twilight: RD, it's only 3 more days!
AJ: Well, I guess we just can't wait to see her!
Isn't that right RD?
RD(rainbowdash): Sure, AJ, how are you gonna spend
YOUR time with her? 'Cause I'm gonna show her a Sonic
AJ: Well, then I guess I'll show her around Sweet Apple Acres!
RD: So, what!!! I'm WAY cooler than you!!!!
Fluttershy: *whisper-shouting* STOP SHOUTING!!!
Oh, my, gee I didn't mean to yell at you, but you need to stop fighting! You've been doing this for 2 days!
RD and AJ: Wait, did you say 2 DAYS?!?
Fluttershy: Why, yes I did. Why do you ask?
RD and AJ: She's coming over TOMORROW!!!!
Fluttershy: Oh, no! I'm not ready for her!!!
To be continued.....